Chapter 9

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Chopper ran back into the castle to say his goodbyes to Dr. Kureha while Vivi, Rose and the Straw Hats waited outside in the snowy night for the newest pirate.

Rose rolls up a large snowball to get started on a snowman as she thinks about what's to happen. She recalls how, while Chopper and Kureha's goodbye wasn't the most traditional, it was still a great way for them to have parting words before Chopper's journey began, unlike her...

Rose stops making her snowman when she remembers the few friends in her world that she accidentally left behind and looks back at the castle sadly. Sure, if she had known that she was leaving New York, she would've said something to Timothy, Naomi, and Bobby. Still, the thought of her friends worrying about her disappearance makes her feel like the scum of the earth.

"How come we can't say goodbye to Dalton and the hag?" Rose snaps out of her trance to see Luffy sitting on his own giant snowball while talking to Nami.

Nami quietly sighs as she looks at the castle. "It's better if we let Chopper go by himself since this will be a very sad goodbye. Even though Dr. Kureha looks scary and mean, she's a kind person."

Usopp finishes up his snowman before he turns to Nami. "So we're leaving without saying a word?"

The navigator nods. "That's right; once Chopper comes back, we're heading to Alabasta." 

She turns to Vivi with a smile. "I hope that's fine with you Vivi."

Vivi quickly nods with a reassuring smile. "Of course, since we have a doctor on board, I have no problems with it."

Luffy tilts his head at the comment. "We have a doctor?"

Usopp ignores the question as he heads to the lift station. "Well, since we're leaving, I'll get the lift ready. Hey Luffy, would you give me a hand?"

Luffy nods as he rolls towards him on the large snowball. "They have a lift too? Cool!"

He follows Usopp into the lift station to get to work on getting the lift ready while everyone else continues to wait for the humanoid reindeer to come out.

Which didn't take long because as soon as the lift was ready, they heard screaming from men, women, and reindeer alike followed by the sound of throwing knives!

Before anyone can investigate the chaos, they're astonished by the sight of Chopper running outside in his walk point while pulling a sleigh, with Dr. Kureha running after him and throwing weapons at him. 

Chopper continues to dodge the weapons, with no time to explain, as he runs towards his new friends. "EVERYONE, GET ON THE SLED! WE'RE GOING DOWN THE MOUNTAIN!"

No one needed to be told twice as they run to the sleigh, and jump on to join the crazy cjaze between the reindeer and the knife throwing elder in shock.

Zoro yells in horror when he quickly tilts his upper body back to dodge one of her knives. "What the hell is with this hag?!"

He almost falls off the sled, but Usopp grabs him and pulls him on the sled before he quickly ducks to dodge a knife. "The hell if I know!"

"STOP!" Dr. Kureha yells as she throws the last of her knives at the sled which everyone ducks to avoid when Chopper jumps onto the lift line, and runs on it to head down the mountain.

Luffy looks around at the island view where village lights shine below him with stars in his eyes. "Whoa, this is awesome!"

Sanji goes into his pocket and grabs a cigarette before he starts smoking. "Enjoy it while you can, because as soon as we reach the ship we're leaving."

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