10. Worthy!

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I walk back into the party and glance around for someone I know, Thor hurries over to me "Come with me." He grabs my hand and leads me away "Where are we going?" "My family wants to talk to you." "Why?" He doesn't answer me as he leads me out of the hall and into a new room, as soon as we walk into the room Thor puts his hammer on the ground in front of me and closes the door behind me.

What's going on? Is this about those weird vision things, do they know something?

By the looks on the royal family's faces I can tell they don't know what's happening either, I cross my arms over my chest "Thor, what's going on?" "I want you to fight me." I laugh "What?" "I'm serious, I want you to fight me." "Oh, you're drunk and you've been listening to Tony." "What?" "I punched Tony in the arm and he was trying to feel my muscles. So he's getting you to fight me to show my strength." "Okay? Yes! Yes, that's it."

He's lying, he hasn't spoken to drunk Tony. Oh well, if he wants a fight then bring it on.

"You sure you wanna fight?" "Yes." The Queen stands up from the bench the 3 of them are sitting on "No." "Mother, trust me." She sighs and sits back down, Thor gets into a fighting position, I don't have a position so I just stand there waiting for him to make the first move "Ladies first." "Told you before, not a Lady. Just hit me." He looks nervous "Come on, hit me!" The song 'Hit me with your best shot' starts flowing through my head.

Let's show this God what you're made of Jade.

He takes a swing at me and I duck, he swings again and I jump aside, he swings a third time and I step backwards. Thor aims for my face and I decide to block it, by grabbing his fist in my hand, holding it still "Are you even trying?" Loki chuckles, I don't let go of Thor's fist as I kick him as hard as I can in the gut, he grunts and bends forward, I then use my left hand to give him an uppercut. As my fist makes contact with his jaw I release his fist, he falls backwards and hits the ground with a thud. I put my left foot on his chest and cross my arms over my chest "If you wanna fight me you should actually try next time, I couldn't feel you trying."

Why isn't he using hammer? He always fights with his hammer.

Thor gets up from the ground "Let's go again, you can use my hammer." I look to my mother who looks as shocked as I, people can't just use his hammer. Jade narrows her eyes at him, probably wondering why he's offering it "Why? You always fight with your hammer, but not with me, now you want me to use it? What's the catch?" She looks to me "Have you bewitched it? If I try to fight with it will it attack me?"

I quite like this mortal, I wouldn't do such a thing.

I shake my head "I wouldn't do that." She smiles "I believe you." She turns back to Thor "Why?" "To make it fairer." "So, you're admitting you weren't trying?" "I didn't want to hurt you but it seems you can hurt me." She glances at me, a smirk on her face, I send her a wink and she looks back at Thor.

Don't show him any mercy Jade.

She walks over to Thor's hammer and stands beside it, the smirk still on her face "Come at me." Thor runs across the room towards her and aims to punch her in the face, she quickly ducks down, when she stands back up she whacks Thor in the side. He crashes to the ground at our feet, groaning and holding his ribcage, we all look to Jade. Jade is facing us, he legs slightly apart, her head held high, no emotion on her face, Thor's hammer in her left hand.

Oh... my...

I jump up from my seat "She's worthy!" I walk over to her and smile down at her, a genuine smile, she beams up at me "I thought that bit was just a legend, that the hammer was his so only he could choose who could lift it." I shake my head "No, only worthy people can lift it, right?" I look over my shoulder and Odin nods as he stands "It is true, few are able to lift the hammer. You my dear are very special." He approaches and I move to stand beside Mother.

Hang on a minute... Jade isn't an Avenger, I didn't fight with her in New York. Who is she?

"I am very impressed with that-" He points to the hammer in her hand "-and your fighting ability, you brought my son to the ground. How did you do that?" Jade shrugs "Stronger than I look?" "Do you work out a lot?" "If you include digging, then yes." There's a confused silence "I'm an archaeologist, I travel Midgard to discover ancient items, I care more about the past than I do the present and the future." "Interesting... how did you become interested in such things?" "I just felt connected I guess, it's hard to explain, I feel like it's something I used to be interested in."

Okay, now I'm even more confused, what is this Mortal going on about?

Thor speaks "I have told them nothing about you, they don't know about your past." "Right, sorry. I have amnesia, I've had it for... 18 years." "How old are you?" "Not sure, I was only a child when I was found wandering around confused. I've been told I look like I'm in my mid 20's." "Surely your parents know your age?" "The Police couldn't identify me, no one knew me, so they kept me in the area I was found, grew up with other children without parents."

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