5. A Strange Past.

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As we're in the quinjet heading to the helicarrier I speak to her "Hey, since we all know each other but don't know you, how about you tell us a bit about yourself?" Her eyes narrow "You already know." "If I already knew I wouldn't be asking." "No, that's the reason your asking. You can't fool me Tony." I look at the rest of the team glaring at me, Capsicle speaks "You looked Jade up?" "Course I did, I was curious. Is it all true?" "I'm not completely sure what information they have, but most likely, yes."

Poor kid.

"When I was young I got amnesia, still have it, there are some things that I like and I don't know why, like some part of me remembers liking it before, but I don't actually remember anything." Capsicle speaks "When did you get amnesia?" She shrugs "Not sure, no one knows how old I am, they don't even know who I am, I was put in an orphanage because they couldn't identify me." "I'm so sorry." "It's fine, they treated me alright."

JARVIS said she turned away potential parents, why?

"Why did you say no to parents?" She laughs a little "You really did your research. I didn't want new parents, it felt wrong, like I was betraying my real parents. I don't know if they're still alive, if they think I'm dead or if they purposely abandoned me.. But I couldn't accept other parents, I just couldn't, so I stayed at the orphanage until I was 18 and got my own place." "How could no one recognise you? They-" "I'm not from Minnesota." "You know that how?" "My accent, now I sound like I'm from Minnesota, but before I sounded different. I don't remember how I sounded, but I was definitely different. Voices are one of the things my photographic memory doesn't work on, it works on what I see, read and hear but not accents." Natasha speaks up "How can someone with a photographic memory lose their memory?"

Good question.

"That's the biggest mystery, I remember the name and face of every person I met since waking up in the forest, I remember every place I've ever visited since that day, every word I've ever written or read but I can't remember before that day." "So, what's your very first memory?" I close my eyes and think back "I hadn't opened my eyes yet but I felt warm, I was laying on something that crunched as I wiggled about. When I opened my eyes I was blinded by sunlight, as my eyes adjusted I glanced around to see trees as far as I could see in every direction, I could hear whistling. When I looked to my left I remember screaming, I was terrified, an animal was sniffing me, I had never seen such an animal."

Was it a bear? A deer?

"The next thing I hear is feet crunching the leaves, a group of people ran into my view, by this point the animal was on top of me, I was about to fight it when people ran over and one of them shouted "Casper!" The animal ran over to them and I was helped up." She laughs "The animal was a dog." I speak "You hadn't seen a dog before?" "Weirdy, I hadn't seen any animals before, whenever I'd see a new animal I'd either hide or run towards it."

Even with amnesia how could she have never seen an animal before?

I'm about to ask when she shrugs "Don't bother asking, I don't understand it either, but it's not just animals, it was objects too. Not all objects, I knew some things, but there were so many things I didn't recognise." "That's weird." "It is and we never managed to figure out why because I never recovered my memories." We arrive at the helicarrier, on the way to the conference room I ask Jade a few more questions about her growing up.

Once back in the conference room we get back to finding museums along the lines of the symbol, we manage to find 3 more, Nebraska, Illinois and Georgia. We split up, Natasha and Spangles head to Georgia, the last one we believe will be taken. Legolas and Bruce head to Illinois. Those groups go to look at the items to see if they can find the symbol on anything.

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