13. Hide And Seek.

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I've been escorted to the gardens, I'm waiting for Mother to arrive, I see her approaching, but someone else is with her, a man in Midgardian clothing. As the pair get closer I pay more attention to the visitor, when they stop in front of me I notice there is no fear in the eyes of the visitor, then I realise "Jade." "Loki." "So this is the normal you?" "Yep." "What are you doing back here?" "Odin and I invited her." I look to my mother "For what reason?" "We're intrigued." We walk around the gardens, Mother and I dragging slightly behind, she whispers to me "What do you think of Lady Jade?"

Why do they want my opinion?

I raise an eyebrow "Don't give me that look, answer the question." "She's lovely and rather-" "Is it weird that I feel like I've been here before?" We both look to Jade who's admiring a large tree, Mother smiles "Really? If you were to hide here where would you hide?" "What?" "Hide, it's a perfect place for a game of hide and seek."

What's gotten into her? We haven't played hide and seek since Jewella... NOO...!

I watch carefully as Jade walks around the tree "Hmm... If I was hiding, where would I hide? Probably..." She steps behind the tree "Here." Mother and I both approach but when we step behind the tree she isn't there "Where did she go Mother?" Mother bends down and pulls open a door in the tree trunk, I'd never seen the door before, it seems to be hidden from view until you touch it "I've been in here before, I'm sure of it." I poke my head in to see Jade sitting in the base of the tree trunk looking rather confused.

She's Jewella? How?

Mother offers her a hand and helps her out, we continue our walk, I whisper to Mother "She's Jewella?" "That's what Odin and I think." "And that's why she would always win at hide and seek..." "She was the youngest and needed help against cheaters." "We didn't cheat." "Yes you did. You would always use magic to search for them and Thor would always ask nearby Guards for your locations, they weren't allowed to say no." "I knew it!" Jade stops and turns "What did you know?"


"We were talking about the hiding place in that tree, I always knew there was something strange about that tree." "You're lying." She marches up to me and looks me in the eye "I can always tell when someone is lying." "Fine, we were talking about when I was younger, playing hide and seek, cheaters, the lot of us." She seems satisfied with my answer as she turns and continues walking, a Guard approaches "Dinner is almost ready." We head inside and sit around the table where Thor and Odin are already sitting talking.

Father and I spoke a while about Jade, about everything I know about her. He was very interested, I began to doubt if it was just to do with her being worthy or if it's to do with something else. When we were told dinner would be ready soon we headed to the table whilst the Guard went outside to tell the others. We're now sitting at the table, I decide to ask "Why are you so interested in a mortal?" "She's worthy." "It's more than that. What's going on?" He sighs "Your mother and I believe we know who she really is, before the amnesia. We believe she might be-" He stops when the door to the room opens revealing Mother, Loki and Jade, they walk over and sit around the table. We all talk a little before the food arrives, once we've eaten our dinner Odin and Loki leave together, I look to Mother "Where is Father taking Loki?" "He wants to talk with him."

It must be something very important to make him want to talk with him.

We decide to talk to Jade about her hobbies, which consist of visiting museums, going on hikes and doing her job. We then talk about things that we do at the palace, after a while Father and Loki return, I'm surprised to see them not shouting at each other, Father steals Mother away for a few minutes while Loki adds himself into our conversation.

AVENGERS: Goddess Of Knowledge.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz