Tini: My... Ex is here... And let's just say I don't really have good history with him...

Aaron: Who's that Jorge dude?

Tini: My friend...

Aaron: Really?

Tini: yeah... Of course..

Aaron: oh sorry... It just seemed like you two were dating or something...

Tini: No! He has a girlfriend! Why would you say that?

Aaron: i don't know because...He-...Never mind...

Tini: Okay...

Aaron: So... What are you going to do about the ex?

Tini: I hope he already left... My friend said she would take care of him...

Aaron: Oh ok...

Tini: anyways thanks for coming tonight...

Aaron: You're welcome

(He smiles at her and then leans in to kiss her. Tini feels uncomfortable but decides to let go and let him kiss her...)

??: Ahem *cough*

(Tini looks behind her and sees Peter smirking with a beer bottle in his hand)

Tini: N-no Peter!

Aaron: Is this your ex?!

Peter: I'm her boyfriend!

Tini: No you are not!!!

Peter: I will be.

(Peter smashes the beer bottle on Aaron's head)

Tini: AARON! (She screams)

Peter: That's what you get for trying to kiss my girl!


Peter: Why not?! I have changed! See?

Tini: No you haven't!! You just became more of an alcoholic! And a psycho too!

Peter: Well it's all your fault Tini! You shouldn't have broke up with me! You should have stayed with me!!!

(Tini shakes in fear as Peter grabs her hand)

Peter: And now we can stay together FOREVER!

(He laughs and pulls Tini in his arms. She tries to scream but he covers her mouth!)


Stephie: Jorge?! Why did you leave?!

Jorge: Peter is here... I had to check on Tini...

Stephie: Well I'm your girlfriend! Why didn't you help me?!

Jorge: Stephie! Some things are just more important okay?!

Stephie: ohh like Tini?! Wow Jorge! If you love her more than me, why don't you date her?!

Jorge: Stop Stephie! I don't like Tini!

(Stephie turns green and puts her hand over her mouth)

Jorge: All this time, you have just been jealous! Of NOTHING! Nothing makes me more mad than the fact that you can't trust me! And now you are trying to act sick just so that we could go home and I don't have to see Tini-

(Stephie cuts off Jorge by puking under the table)

Jorge: ew!

Stephie: We need to go home... Now

(Everyone stares at Stephie who is beginning to pass out...)

Jorge: um okay... Let's go now...

(He cleans her up and carries her outside.)

Jorge: Stephie, I'm sorry.. I should have taken care of you...

Stephie: it's okay... (She passes out in Jorge's arms)

(Jorge walks outside to his car. He puts Stephie in the seat and shuts the door. He can hear screaming in the background.)

Jorge (thinking to himself): Woah? What the hell was that?!

(Out of the corner of his eye, He sees Peter dragging Tini with his arm over her mouth)

Jorge: Hey! (He shouts at Peter)

Peter: Get away! She's mine!


(Tini bites Peter's arm and he screams)

Peter: Owwh!!!!

(He lets go of Tini and Jorge goes over and punches him in the face)

Jorge: Tini let's go! Get in my car!

Tini: Wait! What about Aaron!?

(Jorge glances at a guy laying on the floor with broken glass shards all around him. His eyes widen and he shakes in fear.)

Jorge: We have to leave him Tini! He will be okay!

Tini: But Jorge! (She cries)

(Peter is about to get up with a bloody nose)


(Tini runs over to the car. She looks back and sees Peter take a swing at Jorge!)


(Jorge turns around and nearly gets hit but he quickly dodges it and kicks Peter on the leg.)

Peter: Ah!!

(He falls down grabbing on to his leg.)


(Tini gets into the car and puts her seatbelt on. She glances back at Jorge who is running towards the car.)

Tini: Hurry Jorge!

(He quickly opens the door, starts the car and drives away.)


(They are heading to Jorge's house. They are on the freeway.)

Tini: so... I'm gonna miss my party...

Jorge: Yeah no kidding...

(They slightly laugh and then let out a huge breathe.)

Tini: that was crazy...

Jorge: I know...

(They are interrupted by a woken up Stephie.)

Stephie: *she coughs* Wha? What happened?

Tini: You... Missed everything...


"Is it Really Just Acting?": A Jortini FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now