Gennin teams

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When Sasuke woke up, he was displeased to see that his usual breakfast of tomatoes, were replaced with heart shaped pancakes.

When he asked about it, his mother had replied with, "It's for good luck Sasuke!"

He regretted telling his family, mostly his mother, about Naruko and the kiss.

Flashback Jutsu!

Sasuke came home, thinking about his kiss with Naruko.

What he didn't know was that his cheeks held a faint blush. And everybody knew Uchiha's DON'T blush.

Mikoto, being the Mother she was, knew immediately, that her youngest son had fallen in love. 


She had screamed, hugging the boy into a choking hold. Itachi and Fugaku held a shudder in, that action was a what a fan girl would do...

"M-mother?"  Sasuke asked, trying to breathe.

His mother released Sasuke, holding his shoulders. "You've fallen in love my son, YOU LISTENED TO ME!"

Now Itachi and Fugaku were listening.

"What's this little brother? You've chosen your loved one already?" Itahi asked, amused at Sasuke's red face.

Fugaku wasn't too pleased. "I want to evaluate her, to see if she is the one. Who is she?"

Sasuke spluttered at this, "WHAT?! I don't like anybody!"  He denied.

Sasuke's Mother glared at him, "I know love when I see it. You. are. LYING!" She cried dramatically.

Sasuke decided he'd take his chances. "Fine.... I do like her..." He admitted, turning red. "But I want to get to know her first before I will continue anything."

Fugaku nodded approvingly, "Yes, but what I want to know is who is she?" 

Itachi leaned in, "She... She's not.... A fangirl... is she?" Fugaku and Sasuke turned pale.

"No!" Sasuke refrained from yelling. "I wouldn't fall for a fangirl!"

Mikoto pressed on, "Then who is she?!" 

Sasuke replied nervously blushing a bit, "Naruko Uzumaki..." 

The whole family gasped in surprise. "Uzumaki? The one who was trained by Jiraiya-sama and Tsunade-sama?"

Sasuke nodded, fidgeting. "Yeah..." 

Fugaku beamed, something he rarely did. "You have good tastes Sasuke, Naruko Uzumaki is one of my best friend's daughters."

Mikoto nodded. "I heard she was so strong that she can fight both Jiraiya-sama and Tsunade-sama at the same time and keep her ground! And rumor has it that she's so beautiful that many high council Princes seek to marry her!"

Itachi nodded, "Yes... And she thawed the heart of the once cold blooded Kakashi in one day."

Sasuke gaped, "Wow..." The whole family was silent, caught in there thoughts.

Suddenly, Sasuke blushed immensely, 'You mean I kissed her!? What- I am one lucky guy...'

Itachi noticed this, "Is there something else that you want to tell us Sasuke?"

Sasuke, too quickly, shook his head frantically. "Nothing! Nothing at all!" He lied. Mikoto smirked. "I think there is something. NOW TELL US!"

Naruko Uzumaki NamikazeWhere stories live. Discover now