"I'm not going back in that closet," a chill ran down my back. I closed my eyes trying to calm myself.

He nodded.

I stayed a step behind him as we walked back inside the bunk area. It was oddly quiet, and no one was around, perfect I guess. He made his way to one of few windows in the room and stared silently, his sweater seemed overly stretched and the seams had torn in certain areas from the stress his body put on it, during...whatever that was happening.

"So...spit it out," I choked nervous to speak myself.

He nodded.

"I know it's hard to believe," he whispered getting closer. His eyes were watering, gleaming with plea. "but Rai, I'm not from this world. My worlds called Ermak."

I took into consideration that he was about to become a monster, but maybe it was the little girl in me that took over, that forced my older soul aside. "are you really a monster...or are you an alien?" my voice quivered.

I ignored the fact that I just found out I myself was in a similar predicament, but he didn't know that. I had all the cards in my hand. Playing the scared little girl card worked for the moment and besides, I was scared half to death.

"My people, my world is filled with people that can change. My race or kind I guess you would call it here, come from royalty. I'm a Leo."

I shook my head still not getting it. "What does that actually mean?"

"I can change into a humanoid Lion, and in my society I'm a prince." He whispered.

I stepped closer glaring into his eyes. He didn't waver, but I couldn't help it. "Bullshit!"


"I believe your not from this world, I believe your some kind of monster but Hakeem your not a prince of anything...what the heck are doing in the bottomless streets of Detroit with your mother walking around with clothes that you obviously found in the salvation army," I stood up taking a deep breath as I let my fingers course through the long strands of my hair trying to take it all in. "Bullshit,"

He was silent leaning against the window. He bit his bottom lip and ran off again. I couldn't say anything, what could I say? This was insane, I couldn't believe it, was this some kind of a sick joke?

I went back to my bunk and laid on my mom's bed. Of course, she was gone, probably out with Gary. Stupid Gary. Stupid mom, I wondered how it was possible for someone to be so irresponsible and desperate to have a child. But I knew it wasn't always like this, I just hated that this was the new her. The new mom created by circumstances, events, and this messed up environment that is the world.

I thought about the conversation the three of us had back in my mind, in that strange place where I could always find Mizzy. I thought about what she said about us influencing the world and everyone in it. If that was true, I wanted to change everything. Change it in a way where we didn't have to live off the streets, live in a stupid shelter, live off food donations. If I really had this power, I could make this world mine!


I looked up as Hakeem came rushing through the bunk beds. He had a bookbag tight to his back, his eyes frantic and out of breath. He bent over looking up with desperation. "Yea?"

"I know you don't believe me, and I know you don't think I'm cool or brave...I don't really know how to say this, but I'm going after my mom and if I don't come back...I," out of his nervous rambling he leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. He pulled back quickly and defensively expecting me to reply with a heavy smack to the face. "I just want to say I really like you...and you're the first friend I had in a long time."

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