(Y/n) and Lena fell over themselves laughing, Alex and Kara sat silently, Alex remembered she was grounded for a whole month for that innocent little prank.

"You really did that Alex?" ( Y/n) asked.

"She did," Eliza confirmed, it had taken a while to get Alex to come round but she had, and now the two were inseparable.

"So, your turn now Lena." Kara hurried.

" Oh, I have one (Y/n) remember Alain Hale? " Lena asked.

"Not another ex (Y/n)." Alex sighed.

(Y/n) pouted. "No, no matter what the rumors were, I didn't update jocks, and at the time I was heavily into Claire. "

"Literally," Lena said sarcastically.

"Oh god, so this is a story about your ex." Alex cringed.

"No grouchy pants. " (Y/n) smiled, she really knew that Alex wouldn't want to hear it was her she'd lost her virginity to any more than (Y/n) wanted to hear about Alex's deflowering moment and who it was with. "This is different, this is a Thelma and Louise type story. "

"Minus the suicide at the end," Lena added.

"We had Lillian so we had it worse. "

"This is gross don't they ever clean the boy's shower rooms?" Lena whispered as they crawled along the floor, their hands sticking to the dirty floor, her eyes trying desperately not to look where her skin was touching.

"Shush." (Y/n) said, her eyes glued to the scene ahead. "He's doing it, he's actually doing it now."

Lena jumped in front of her friend to get a glimpse. "This is hilarious, what would your beloved Claire say is she found out we were watching the captain of the football team shower?"

" Nothing more than she is saying now, that the aforementioned captain of the football team has been saying I have had sex with him, he's not even my type look at him. " (Y/n) pointed towards him, with disgust on her face. "He's too muscular, has no butt, is as deep as a puddle and thick as shit, is a total douche bag, who thinks all womankind should be kneeling by his feet."

Lena thought to herself for a moment. "Claire has no butt."

" But she's smart and kind and thoughtful, and hot, did you exchange the contents of his shower gel for hair removal cream? "

Lena chuckled evilly. "I did."

" Excellent. "

They watched as he poured the bottle into his hands rubbing it all over his body from his head to his feet, the two girls tried to steam their laughter as they egged the other on, (Y/n) springing in to action to grab his clothes and together they ran from the scene of the crime.

Two high pitched evil laughs following them as they escaped, certain that they would never be found out, but also secretly hoping they were so everyone could know about the trick they'd played.

"Oh my God, you really did that?" Alex asked.

" He told the whole school I'd had sex with him under the bleachers, I couldn't deny it at the time I was in my dorm room with Claire, I wasn't out yet, neither was she, and everyone believed him, I wasn't happy. "

"So what happened next?" Eliza asked intrigued.

"Well, we waited by our lockers, which were not far from the shower rooms."

Their eyes glued to the door they almost jumped out of their skins when the door flew open and in a hurry as naked as the day he was born Alian rushed out, his whole body devoid of hair as he ran down the hallway through the sea of students who laughed and pointed, enjoying his humiliation.

Ever After (X Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن