CHAPTER 14: The Worst Is Over, Right?

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A soon as I saw Wendi hit the floor, I immediately turned and shot the guy that knocked her out in the head and when I turned back to try and shoot Maverick and the guy holding Evangeline, I noticed they were backing up and Maverick now had hold of Evangeline while all his guys began to run in and start shooting up everywhere. 

I had untied Joseph and told him to get everyone out of there and to head to the airport and that me and Evangeline will meet them all there and go head to my secluded farmhouse I have in Indiana. It's my 'quiet' place I like going to to feel like I have a normal life and that no one else knows about. I tell him I have a private plane and am going to need for him to tell one of the employees about it and make sure everyone is on there and that we will be there soon. 

"I'll explain everything later." I tell him. 

He just nods his head in agreement and I hand him the switchblade knife I used to cut the ropes off and began shooting everyone and then I distracted all the guys by being able to shoot at them after dodging their bullets and reloading my guns real fast. 

Then once all twelve of Maverick's men were shot and laying on the floor dead now, I started to cautiously look around every corner and hope that I find him in time. 

I then hear Evangeline trying to scream 'HELP' but quickly it get's muffled by I'm sure from him trying to cover her mouth. I start sprinting out back and notice him trying to pull her along with his arms wrapped around his waist while pointing the gun at her and trying to cover her mouth. Quickly I jump over the deck's fence onto the sand and start running after them. 

Next I stop as soon as I see Evangeline stomping on his foot and elbowing him hard in the stomach and tries to run towards me. 

"Get down!" I yell out to her and she falls onto the sand and I take my shot right before he is able to have a chance at doing the same to me.

Luckily this part of the beach is more private and nobody was close enough by here. However, that doesn't mean nobody heard the gunshots. So I quickly run up to Evangeline. 

"Come on, we have to go now!" I tell her as I grab hold of her hand and she begins to run with me. 

We quickly get into her car and start making our way towards the airport. 

"What the hell is going on?!" She asks scared and while crying a little.

"I promise I'll explain everything when we get to the airport. We need to focus on getting there right now though." I tell her as I step on the gas more and start weaving in and out of cars as they honk their horns at me. I don't give a shit though, I need to take her and my friends all somewhere safe. That's my new mission at the moment. 

"No, tell me right now!" She demands. 

"There's more to all of this than I can sum up for you right now, please just give me a few minutes." I try and stay calm while asking her. 

"Tell me NOW!" She yells at me again. 

"JUST LET ME GET US TO THE DAMN AIRPORT FIRST! SHIT!" I yell at her. Not meaning to but it seems like it was the only way to get her to stop from distracting me and causing us to wreck. 

We finally got to the airport and headed through the back part of the airport where only the employees can go through and we got up into my private jet where I saw my good friend and pilot, Juarez. 

"Hey Boss." He greets me. 

"Juarez, let's go." I tell him while trying to catch my breath. 

I start walking towards the curtain that divided the front part of the plane and the kitchen and seating area where everyone was at. Everyone looked at me confused, shocked and even scared. Especially Evangeline who seemed to be shaking from most like being in shock after what just happened. 

"What's going on?" Joseph asked. 

"You guy's, I'm not sure in how to tell you guys this but..." I hesitate a little bit. 

"Are you the leader of the mafia? Are you involved in something bad? You can tell us!" Joseph says sounding really understanding. I look over at Wendi and notice her sitting up, awake now, holding an ice pack on the back of her head while my friend is sitting next to her. She's looking at me and nodding her head. 

"Go ahead." She says. 

"You guys, I never wanted to lie to all of you but, I was required to keep what I do for a living from anyone." I looked over at Evangeline. I took in a deep breath and let it out before continuing. "I'm a spy. I work for a secret agency associated with the U.S. government." 

Everyone's quiet for a minute before they all look at one another and start laughing. Well, everyone except for Evangeline and Wendi. 

"It's true." Wendi says.

It's after she says that when everyone's laughter disappears. 

"Are you serious?" Joseph asks me. 

"Yeah." I reply.

I was waiting to hear them laugh again or something bad but there's a reason they're my friends. 

"Bro, that's awesome!" Joseph says. 

"Hell yeah it is!" Mick says. 

I start smiling really big and look at Mick to let him know that his new girlfriend is my partner and she can kick his ass. After saying it, he was shouting out excited and then kissed Wendi. Wendi just called him a dork and then placed her head on his shoulders. 

I went over to sit down next to Evangeline and apologize for yelling at her and then explain to her about everything that's going on but she refuses to even look at me and is sitting next to Payton who is comforting her. I feel like shit. I never should have gotten anyone involved and this whole thing about her father, we need to find that flash drive. We're running out of time and Maverick wasn't the one that we had to fear the most.....It's who he works for. 

I just need to figure out what all I need to do to make sure I can help protect Evangeline and all my friends and hopefully, bring justice to Evangeline's father. More than anything I would like to have a life with her, if that's even possible. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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