CHAPTER 13: What Is Going On? I'm Confused.....

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Jon and Wendi had gone out to get some things for tonight's dinner that I was making in celebration for Jon's birthday which if it wasn't for his buddies, I never would have known about it. They also told me he doesn't care too much for making it a big deal. So, despite him wanting to keep it on the down low, I'm going to at least have everyone over and make some dinner. 

Now, technically, we have everything here for everything already and I just sent him and Wendi out so that I could have everyone else help me put some decorations up while I finish getting the foods all ready. 

While everyone was all over the house trying to put things together, I heard a knock at the door and before opening it up I asked who it was. 

"Name's Maverick Miss and I'm one of Jon's great friends." He says. 

Right away something didn't feel right. 

"He's not here right now but I'll let him know you stopped by." I tell him then begin walking away from the door and backing up to try and grab my cell phone off the counter since everyone is either upstairs or are outside in the backyard. 

"Evangeline, trust me, you don't want me to cause a scene. It's best if you open the door and make it easier on everyone." He says still in a calm tone. 

I swallow a big gulp. 

"H-how do you know my name?" I ask worried. 

"Let me in and I will explain everything to you. Something your boyfriend Jon should have told you a while ago." The man says. 

I'm not sure in what exactly is all going on right now but what I do know is that something doesn't seem right and I'm stating to feel more scared than I have been in a very long time. 

"Joseph? Payton?" I began calling out and I didn't hear nor see them coming down from upstairs. Then I heard feet moving across the floor behind me from the backyard and in comes all of Jon's friends including Payton and Joseph as they all have blood on them and look like hurt. They all get their hands tied behind their backs to a chair that each guy that was holding them had done after lining up the chairs in a line, facing out front.

Then the next thing I know, the front door opens up forcefully and in walks a guy with slicked back hair wearing a business suit that looks to have cost a fortune and smirks at me as the man next to him who broke in the door, slams the door shit behind him. 

"Hello Evangeline." The man says. 

"What the hell do you want?" I asked him. 

"You. I've come for just you. You don't how long I've waited to meet you." He smiles in a creepy way. 

"Who are you?" I asked. 

"I told you, I'm a friend of Jon's. Will he be joining us shortly?" He asks. 

"I-I don't...." He interrupts me. 

"Before you answer, do keep in mind that I can tell when people lie to me and if they do, they only do it once. So before you answer, just think about that." He warns me. 

"He should be. But I'm not sure how long exactly." I tell him trying not to make it obvious in my voice of how scared I am. 

I feel someone grab my arms and pull them back and then Maverick walks up to me and grabs my face. I hear Joseph and everyone try and protest but when I look over at them, their mouths seem to have been duck taped shut. 

"Now, tell me, where is it?" He asks. 

"Where's what?" I ask. 

"Because I'm in a good mood today, I'm gonna give you another chance to tell me. Where the hell is it?" 

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." I start tearing up. 

"Tsk tsk tsk. Forgive me." He says to me. 

I next feel a hard slap with his back hand across the side of my face causing me to feel a sharp stinging pain. 

"Ahh" I scream out in pain. 

"Don't fuck with me! I'm gonna lose my patience very soon and I promise you that's the last thing you want to do." He threatens me. 

"But it's true. I don't know what you're talking about." I try and tell him. 

"The fucking flash drive your father left you. Where the hell is it?!" He demands. 

"What flash drive?" I asked confused although I can tell by the look of anger in his face that he's about to hurt me worse than the slap. I try to embrace myself for the impact and then we hear someone stomp inside. It's Jon and I can't describe just how relieved I feel right now. 

"Maverick!" I hear him say under his breath. Wait, he knows him?

"It's about time your ass showed up. I was wondering." Maverick tells Jon. 

"She doesn't have what you're looking for." He tells Maverick. 

Wait, he knows about the flash drive? What the hell is going on and where the hell did him and his cousin Wendi get guns from? Do they sell those at the grocery store now?

"This all could have been avoided if you just had been a good agent and finish your mission." He grins. 

What mission? Agent? What's his code name, 007? I laugh to myself at that joke. 

"I'm gonna give you to the count of five before I put a bullet between your fucking eyes." He threatens Maverick. Meanwhile, I'm still confused.

"You sure you want to do that? Miss your opportunity in trying to catch me? Or better yet, finish one of the greatest missions of your career?" He says to Jon. 

"It'll be more of a pleasure to kill you." He tells Maverick. 

"Alright, you had your chance." Maverick tells Jon before facing me and smiling at me as he pulls out a knife and is about to stab me. "Let's see if you put the flash drive in here." He says. 

Again with the flash drive? Somebody better start explaining. I start squirming even more as I notice him getting closer towards my upper arm about to cut me open thinking I might have hid the flash drive in my arm which is stupid and just shows this dumb ass has watched far too many movies. I close my eyes and embrace myself for the pain I'm about to feel. Then came the sound of me screaming and see Wendi being knocked out by someone that came up behind her from outside and she falls to the ground. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :);)

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