Ch. 17

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Marina ran her fingers through the yellow fabric of her tattered scarf, she had worn it every time she left the house so she could keep Cuidightheach close to her. She couldn't stop thinking about him as she made her way to the marketplace so she could buy some meat and flour, and possibly some flowers to get Mrs. Lupeny off her back about starting a garden. Finding that a slab of beef was cheaper today, she bought a finer cut then she normally did, flour was the same so she bought three pounds like she normally did.

On her way back, Marina passed a flower stand. Pausing, only one pot of flowers caught her eye, they were wild foxgloves that hadn't bloomed yet.

"Excuse me," she called to the women running the stand.

"Why, hello dear. What can I do for you?" she was a kind older women with soft eyes and squishy cheeks.

"Hello, yes, how much are these?" picking up the clay pot to show the women.

"Oh, I see, I'm not quite sure what they are. A strange person traded them to me for a few petals of yellow daisy's, one from each of the five I had planted in a pot." she leaned in closer to Marina, "He was covered from head to toe with rough-cut leather, the only thing I could see where his eyes. Oh! What brilliant green eyes! I could have stared into those for the rest of my life!" her smile lit up her whole, already cheery face.

"Do, do you mind me asking where you met this person?" Marina was genuinely curious. The women straightened up, dusting off her brown apron.

"I don't see why not! I was trading in Trasinark Village, you know, the one just outside the Tender Woods. I had gotten permission from a regular customer, who is also a farmer, to use some of his most fertile soil in my shop. I was out filling a wheelbarrow when the man approached me. Never saw where he came from, but he offered to help. Oh, he was so kind and strong! He helped me take the soil back to my stand, he seemed to be entranced by my yellow daisies. That's when he made me that offer, he had helped me so much, I couldn't refuse! Even though those petals probably wilted soon after." she sighed, "He said thank you, and walked off in the direction we had come. Never saw him again for the rest of my stay. I asked several people who he was, but they all seemed confused. Apparently, the man had never been seen before that day."

Marina smiled at the women, "I believe that man has more to him than anyone can imagine." she was holding the pot close to her, she was sure they were from him. "What about the price?" The women looked at her thoughtfully.

"I would have liked to keep them for myself, but they haven't bloomed in two months." she sighed again, "Here's what I'll do, I'll sell those to you for two silver, and if they bloom, I'd like to see them." Marina smiled.

"I'll take them!" handing the two silver pieces over, she thanked the women and made her way home. They would bloom, but only if taken care of properly.

After putting her groceries away, Marina took the pot outside and carried it around with her until she found the perfect spot.

By the small stream that flowed past her cottage, against a boulder with a notch cut into it, with a tree that grew thick and strong to shade the flowers from the harsh heat. Here is where she planted them, and here is where she would come to think, and to daydream. She had a feeling, that, far off in a land unfamiliar and unexplored and untamed, a stirring guardian would soon show himself as he traveled to where he would rest forever among the unknown.

Within the Dragon's Heart (Under editing)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin