Ch. 14

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 Cuidightheach made his decision, he was going to show her her birthplace, if only from a distance. That night he would take her flying over the village that bordered the woods. The one that he believed she had come from.

Lost in his own thoughts, he hadn't heard Marina's sodden footsteps until she dropped a line of fish onto the cave floor by the butchering rock.

"Chudech?" she asked, "What's wrong?" Cuidightheach looked at her with bloodshot eyes.

"Don't worry about it." Looking down at the fish she had caught brought a wave of pride and sadness to him. "I see you've gotten better at catching fish, were those in the river?"

"Yep! I can't believe there this big! Especially at this time of season." she wanted to ask, she wanted to ask so badly.

"Marina. . ." he started.

"Yes?" Marina looked into his troubled eyes, she couldn't help but worry.

"Would you. . ." pausing he took a deep breath to steady himself, "Would you like to see your old village tonight?"

Marina nearly fell over with excitement.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Absolutely!" her eyes sparkled with anticipation. Cuidightheach laughed at her enthusiasm.

"Alright then, tonight it is. But we have to wait for dark. We can't risk being spotted."

"Alright!" Marina was about bursting with joy as she impatiently waited until nightfall.

Within the Dragon's Heart (Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now