Ch. 3

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Groaning loudly, Marina slowly opened her eyes. She couldn't remember what had happened, the only thing that showed itself to her was the large beast that had approached just before she had lost consciousness. "Nu-nightmaar." She whispered. Movement caught her attention and she rolled her head to the right until she stared straight into beautiful green eyes that reflected the light cast off of the precious metals. "Preeety!" she exclaimed with excitement. Sitting up, she reached a small hand out to the chocolate brown snout of the beast.

The beast flinched at the sudden movement that the creature let out a low growl. Marina drew back in fear and tears sprang to her eyes as she let out a squeal. The dragon was surprised at the girl's reaction, his growl faded and was replaced by a somewhat high pitched whine. He pushed his snout into the girl's small, fragile body, earning a squeal of delight and then laughter.

The dragon opened his jaws and slid his tongue over his teeth, giving the girl a wet, warm lick. "Ewwwww!" she protested, then laughed out again. She then wrapped her arms around his nose, as best as she could. The scales were smooth and glossy to the touch and hard to hold onto. "Ups! Ups! Ups!" Marina chanted with glee. The dragon gave a wide toothy grin, 'Marina, wasn't that her name?'

He cooed to her, and then slid his head from her grasp and bit onto the back of her clothing, gently lifting her off the ground. Marina gasped and then giggled. "Yay! Wyvy uppy!"

He nearly dropped her, how did she know! Putting her down, he stared into the innocent eyes of the girl. 'Not even the elder humans know that I'm a Wyvern! So how could this small one know?' The girl looked back at him, with wonder and admiration. "Wyvy? No appy?" His eyes widened "No my child, I am not unhappy with you, just surprised." The girl gasped and looked around at the mounds of treasure then back at the Wyvern. "What dat?" Marina questioned. "I'm talking to you, my child. I communicate to you directly." He said reassuringly.

"Oh, so you mine read?" She yet again surprised him. "No, no my child, I do not read minds. I only talk to you through minds." 'How does she know about these things?' He was lost in his thought when there was a strange groaning followed by a whimper. He looked back down at the girl. "Are you hungry my child?" She nodded, then plopped down on top of the flattened section of metals and started to pout. "I'm hungwy!" she said in a loud complaint.

"Stay here child, uhh, what is your name?" her face lit up, "My name is Marina Plast Drago!" she exclaimed with surprising accuracy. He blinked, 'I wasn't expecting a full name. Let alone one with hard words to say, if you're five years old.' "Marina, that is a beautiful name, my name is Cuidightheach."

Within the Dragon's Heart (Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now