Chapter 5: Trouble In Paradise

Start from the beginning

"(Y/n)?" Jimin called just as Jungkook opened the door.

"Jimin you gotta get in here and see (y/n) play Overwatch!" Kookie said, immediately running back over to his bed and crashing down next to you. You had a look of utmost concentration on your face as you clicked away on the computer. But Jimin couldn't help but notice that you were in a robe and slippers, and sitting on Jungkook's bed. With Jungkook draped all over you.

"Hey babe." You said without looking up, very focused. Jimin froze, feeling a deep twinge of jealousy that made his stomach turn.

"Hyung she's literally killing it." Jungkook said, his eyes glued to the screen.

"I can see that." Jimin said. He quickly moved over to his bed and dropped his bag. Then he just stood there waiting for you to get up and greet him or do something, but neither of you even looked at him. "Okay then." he said after a moment, walking over to the bathroom and slamming the door. He heard whispering as he turned on the sink to splash some water on his face.

"Woah. He seems pissed." Jimin heard Jungkook say to you. Damn right I'm pissed, Jimin thought.

"Don't worry, I'll talk to him." You said as Jimin stepped back out into the room. You had turned off the game and had moved to sit quietly on Jimin's bed.

"Um, I'm gonna take a shower." Jungkook said and quickly rushed into the bathroom behind Jimin and turned on the water.

"Babe, whats wrong?" You asked, patting the spot next to you on the bed, but Jimin ignored you and started pacing instead.

"Whats wrong is that I walked into my room to find my girlfriend in her bunny pajamas on my maknae's bed, with him laying all over her!" Jimin said in a huff, arms flying up in exasperation before crossing over his chest. "And to think I trusted him to get you home safe."

"Jimin, please sit down." You said in a calm and soothing voice, and Jimin finally complied. "You don't need to be jealous of me and Jungkook."

"And why not?" Jimin asked. "He's stronger then me, better looking, more talented-"

"Jimin-" you protested.

"And he was literally laying all over you!"

"Yes, he was." You agreed, shocking Jimin into silence. "Laying on me like a brother might?" When Jimin was quiet you continued. "Yes I love Jungkook and yes we are very close. But I don't think he's better then you or more talented, and I'm definitely not attracted to him like that. But he does remind me of my little brother."

"You have a brother?" Jimin asked, finally uncrossing his arms.

"Yes. I'm ten years older then him and he and Jungkook are so much alike. I like spending time with Kookie because he makes me less homesick. He's like my surrogate little brother." You reached out and took Jimin's hand and felt him relax a little more as you interlocked your fingers.

"Oh..." Jimin just sat there for a moment to collect his thoughts. "When I walked in and found you like that, I got so mad so fast! I mean like, wow. I just went full psycho boyfriend there didn't I?"

"No, you didn't go full psycho." You said, squeezing his hand. "You got jealous, it's normal. Everyone gets jealous sometimes. Hell, if I saw you with a girl like that I'd probably beat her ass."

That made Jimin laugh and he finally let go of the last of his anger. "Please tell me you're joking."

"Only a little." You replied with a wink as you leaned forward and shared a sweet kiss. You pulled away after a moment and Jimin wrapped his arms around you. "Do you wanna know why I came down here in the first place?" You asked.

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