Chapter 11

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Hunter's POV

I couldn't do it. I couldn't marry Avery

" I've decided that I'm not going to be marrying Avery"

Everyone gasped. Avery looked pissed. My dad looked proud. And Violet....was in total shock

" She's not my mate. I found my mate 2 months ago at the pack meeting. And her name is Violet Anderson. She will be the new Luna"

" And.... I found out Avery was cheating on me" i turned around and glared at Avery then I looked back at the audience

Violet' POV

My mind is still trying to process what's happening right now. Hunter isn't going to marry Avery and he just announced that I'm his mate. He also just said that Avery was cheating on him.
And let me tell you she was not pleased. He looked right at me and smiled huge

" Vi. Would you do me the honor of joining me up here?" He asked and I looked at Avery. She was pissed but I didn't care. I felt a nudge and I saw it was Dest

" Go. I mean it" she said like I said to her when she met Xavier. I smiled and mouthed 'Thank you' to her and she smiled. I got up out my seat and made my way to Hunter. He met me half way and kept smiling

" I wanna be with you. My mate. I want to know more about you and your life. I want to help you. Protect you. Love you" he's so sweet I can't

" What about Avery. What about the pack. What if they don't accept me?"

" I don't care. They are just going to have to deal with the fact that we're mates" he smiled sweetly

" You always ruin things don't you!?" Avery yelled at me as she made her way towards us

" Why couldn't you have just leave me and Hunter alone. I dont care if your mates. He's MINE" she showed her fangs and her eyes turned red. Great she's a fucking blood sucker

She pushes Hunter out the way and I growled at her. Flashing my purple eyes

" That's enough Avery!!" Hunter yelled but she didn't listen. She was about to charge at me until a force field pushed her back. I turned around and saw Dest behind me with blue smoke coming from her hands. Her eyes changed from blue to it's natural brown. I looked at her in shock

" When did you learn how to do that?" I asked

" Just now?" I chuckled. Two guards grabbed Avery before she could do anything else

"You will pay for this Violet Anderson!!!"

" Get her out of my sight" Hunter said in his alpha voice

That was hot

I said to myself but apparently he heard cause he turned his head at me and smirked

" I'm sorry everyone" he said

He looked at me again and walked towards me. He gently grabbed my hand

" Violet - Rose Anderson. Will you be my girlfriend?"

" But you don't know anything about me Alpha Hunter" I smirked when I heard him growl softly

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