Chapter 24 - Saviour∆

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A feeling all too familiar woke me up from my deep slumber.


"I didn't say you could sleep, you disgusting brat." The disembodied voice echoed. My head throbbed with pain, I could feel the warmth sticky puddle of blood I wore in. A shallow cough escaped my mouth as I attempted to open my eyes.

"Wake up." He grabbed a bundle of my hair roughly, hovering my head against the ground before he slammed it down once more.

"This isn't how you die." He growled, slamming my head once again. "Not like this." A sharp sensation dug into my exposed side, making me yelp in pain. My eyes shot open, seeing his malice filled smirk.

"P-please st-stop" I exhaled, feeling my eyes attempt to roll back in my head. He crouched next to me, one hand holding the lighter, the other with his sharpened knife.

"I'll see you in hell." His gravelly voice tore into me like daggers, sending my emotions flying over the edge.

"I c-can't leave h-him"

My face burned as his palm slapped my cheek. "You left my daughter." With that he stood up, his tall figure looming over me. I watched his retreating figure as he smugly made his way to the doorframe, holding the lighter in clear view of me. The light shrunk as the distance between me and him increased. I whimpered in pain, feeling complete and utter despair.

"It's funny." He cackled, making me shiver. I trained my gaze onto the flickering flame, overwhelmed with fear.

"Even in hell you'll get to burn." A dark aura plastered over his psychotic face. "You'll get to feel what she did."

His expression dropped as he lifted the lighter up high, taunting me. He released his grip, finger by finger. My eyes widened as only his thumb and index finger held onto the silver lighter. I squirmed, scared beyond belief.

"Oops." He pouted as his fingers let go. As if in slow motion the lighter fell. Tears poured out my eyes like they were taps. The gasoline fueled room was eerily silent, apart from one faint noise.


A tall slender figure appeared out of the distance, filling me with hope. In a stealthy action he pinned the villian to the stone wall.

"Sh-Shouta" I forced out in one breath as I watched the lighter continue to fall.


I had to save him.

Even if I died.

Shoutas angered eyes widened as the lighter came in contact with the ground. Sparks flew from the contact, sending out a blaze of blinding light. He shielded his eyes as the crackling flames grew taller towards the ceiling, engulfing the dusty building at an alarming rate.

All I could do was whimper as I tried to struggle out from this wooden chair. I felt a lone flame lick my bound leg as it merged with the oak wood.

I'm going to die here.

I have to save him.

My frightened gaze shot back to Shouta, unwavering as he let the psychotic man go. He straightened up, leaping over the flames towards me.

Don't be so reckless.

"N-no." I stuttered. "Leave me." Instead of responding he ignored my command, continuing to put his precious life In danger for a murderer like me. Tears laced my eyes as I realised how I should have been this brave, years ago. Shouta Aizawa really deserved the title of hero. The burning flames surrounded me roaring intensely as they grew taller and wider.

I can do this.

For him.

I gritted my bloodied teeth and clenched my eyes closed as I sent a concentrated surge of electricity down my arms. Under my heated breath I murmured positive words to myself, promising not to repeat the past.


To my utter relief the thick chains cracked and crumbled open, leaving my arms free. They ached, marked deeply from how tight I was retrained. I leaned down, flinching as my arms touched the hot flames and send more charges into the chains bounding my legs together.

I'm free.

I rolled to my side, frantically looking for Shouta. Desperately trying to avoid the flames that threatened my life. He was making his way, carefully across the room, shielding his mouth from the fatal smoke.

"I NEED YOU TO JUMP!" Our eyes met as he uttered those desperate words. A tall wall of flames encased me, my strained eyes met Shoutas and I knew exactly what to do. His scarf dove through the thick air over the top of the flames. At the same time I ran towards the wall, pushing my legs of the stone and sending myself spiraling through the air. The adrenaline swallowed me, helping to mask the almost unbearable sense of pain I felt.

Shoutas comforting scarf wrapped me up and pulled me into his chest. He embraced me tightly before carrying me bridal style out of the building. I cuddled into him, letting the tears fall.

"Are you okay?" His voice cracked, only sending my tears into overdrive.

"How the hell did you find me?" I was breathless, coughing my lungs up from the amount of deadly smoke.

"The smashed window and note was a good enough clue. Looks like I was in time too-"


As we exited, the fragile building fell to rubble and sent Shouta and I flying to our knees. Shouta grunted, dusting himself off. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a metallic figure sprinting down the pavement. Without a second though I clenched my teeth, baring the sheer pain, I ran.

I cant let him get away again.

I can't risk him going after Shouta.

"I have to save you, Shouta."

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