Chapter 25 - Chase ∆

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Shoutas soft scarf pulled at me tightly as I attempted run. I inhaled sharply as I was forced to stop dead in my tracks.

"What the hell are you doing?" His stern voice was raised and I could sense his concern. "You almost burned to death, you're injured." His eyes scanned me, taking in the amount of damage that was inflicted.

"It doesn't matter, I can't even feel it " I shrugged in an over exaggerated manner.

"You will once the adrenaline wears off." His arm hand its way to the stab wound on my side, putting a slight pressure on it. I winced slightly, widening my eyes at the bloody state of myself. "You shouldn't even be standing. If you do this you will only injure yourself further.

I grabbed his scarred hand tightly prying it off me. I was looking him deep in his tired, bloodshot eyes. "Shouta, please. You have to trust me." I screwed my face up feeling the intensity of the burns as I weakly moved my arm. My mind was conflicted, I wasn't thinking straight.

"I'm a pro hero too, I can't let him get away." With this he scoffed and nodded in understanding.

"I don't agree with this-" he started and before he could finish his sentence I was off in a flash. There was no time to waste, I couldn't let that scum face back into society.

"I'll be right behind you all the way. " I smirked to myself before charging up and running down the street at an impressive speed. Shouta followed before me, frantically, the distance growing larger between us as my speed increased. I was fueled by the feeling of needing to protect Shouta. I just got him in my life and id be damned if I let him go.

I love him.

The lights flickered past me, merging into one as I ran down the street as fast as I could. As seconds went by, the pain I felt became more and more evident. I had to push myself, I couldn't give up now. Not when I'm so close. Passers by stopped dead In their tracks, jaws dropping as they seen me run by, covered head to toe in blood. I heard a few people call my hero name excitedly which fueled my speed even more.

I can do this

A few seconds later I finally saw the villian Infront of me. My whole body was filled with raw energy as I pounced on him, I couldn't let him escape yet again.

He flew towards the ground, my knee digging sharply into the crook of his toned back. I placed my shaking hands on his neck sending steady charges that kept him absolutely still. Part of me wanted to fry him completely but I was a hero. Im here to save people, not kill them.

When I glanced around I noticed a crowd of curious bystanders had surrounded us cheering me on. Before I knew it I could hear sirens in the distance, growing ever so closer. It finally felt as if things were over.

Why don't I feel satisfied.

As my quirk began to reach its capacity I started getting short of breaths and a little dizzy. The villian immediately sensed this and attempted to shake me off him, thrashing left and right furiously.


His overpowered quirk activated and I watched as the metal slowly creeped over his worn-looking skin. I tried my best to send higher voltage shocks of electricity throughout his system to destroy the quirk. It was working, but he was far too strong for me too take on. I needed a more permanent solution. Something reflected, catching my eye. Suddenly, I had an overwhelming feeling.

I growled under my breath, grabbing the glistening knife still in his clasped hand. Before I knew it, I held the sharp blade to his neck, panting heavily. He taunted me, a smile playing across his featutes.

"Y-you were going to kill him" I stuttered, feeling myself boil over with an intense anger. My hand shook as I dug the blade in furthur, watching a trail of blood trickle down his skin.

"I-I could k-kill you" I spat, attempting to control myself. A single bead of sweat fell down my cheek. By now the crowd were gasping, backing away in fear of who they thought was a hero.

"They all know you're a villian (Y/n)" He cooed, only making me add a little more pressure. My thoughts snapped back to normal as I heard the thud of footsteps behind me.


"H-he wouldn't w-want me to d-do this." I stuttered, releasing my grip from the knife. The villian smiled maniacally, immediatley grabbing my wrist as I was caught off guard.

Just like that he overpowered me, sending fear straight back into my system. "Tch." He licked a speck of blood from his cold dry lips. "Weak." My eyes widened, preparing for whatever he was about to do to me, and just like that, his quirk began to retract itself.

Did he reach his limit?

"Need some help?" I glanced up to see Shouta standing there majestically, his hair flowing in the air and his eyes bright red. I smiled widely at him, feeling utter relief of getting our lifes back to normal. Without a second thought he pried the man from me, rescuing me from in coming doom. He held the man captive in his powerful scarf as the villian thrashed even more violently.

"You're naive, Eraserhead" he attempted to tease him, trying to get under his skin "She's a monster, she murdered my daught-"

"That's enough" he stopped the villians rant as he seen the tears well up in my eyes.

"I know you'll never forgive me and-"

"You don't have to do this" Aizawa stopped me midsentence, I averted my eyes, hoping he wouldn't see me as a monster after this.

"It was all my fault." I tilted my head down before turning the other way, I could see the public listening Im, wondering what was going on. "I should have saved her"

"Don't do that to yourself." Shoutas tone was flat and commanding. I stood in silence for the rest of the time until the police finally came to take him away. My mind was working over time trying to figure out what Shouta would be thinking about me.

I'm not a monster.

I was trying to help.


His voice was abruptly cut off as the police pushed him into the car shutting the door abruptly.

My body jumped as Shoutas fingers intertwine with mine, he looked down at me with sad eyes, scanning my charred and cut skin "You need to get those injuries seen to"

I shook my head at the hero in front of me, gaining a concerned look from his tired face.

"No. I have to live with this. It's what I deserve." He noticed my voice become low and depressed before embracing me in a tight hug.

"You can't leave a stab wound" he growled in my ear while patting the back of my head. "You really think it'll just heal on its own?"

"O-okay...fine" I wiped the tears from my eyes with my sleeve as he pulled away for me.

"Sh-Shouta?" I whispered almost un audibly but he was still able to hear me. The thoughts of what I could've done to that man flashed through my troubled mind.

I really am a monster.

"Mm?" He hummed, putting pressure on my wounds as we waited for an ambulance to come.

"Wh-what did you see?" My voice cracked. His eyes looked into mine, a soft expression playing on his sharp features. He knew exactly what I meant.


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