Chapter 18 - I'll Protect You ∆

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Three menacing villians surrounded me and Shouta. I yelled at the kids to get to safety but they only listened after Shouta repeated what I had said more sternly. I guess even in the students eyes I was still a child. A child who they would disobey. I eyed Shotua nervously, he had a confident aura around him but his eyes still had a glint of anxiety.

No matter what happens. I won't let them hurt Shouta.

The well built villian with the armoured quirk charged towards me, swinging his metallic spear at me. The other two villians made a bee line for Shouta. My feet moved swiftly as I dodged him, earning a maniacal chuckle from the villian.

"I wanted you to burn" he spat through gritted teeth "but I became impatient." My quirk flared up even though I knew it wouldn't exactly be much use to me. All I knew was that no matter what, I had to try. I had to win.

But of course I would get the guy my quirk won't work on.

I sighed audibly, feeling tears prick my (e/c) eyes. How could this be happening, how could my life be thrown upside down so abruptly. Looking over at Shouta I noticed he was doing well in the fight, swinging punches left and right, tripping them with his scarf. A sense of relief washed over me as I realised he was winning. Even though he was a pro hero I couldn't help but worry. I knew too well the dangers of being a pro hero, the backlash in which we face.

Now I'm facing that backlash first hand.

And it's all my fault.

My train of thought was pushed aside as I dodged the glistening spear swung near my head. I tried to keep an eye on Shouta at all times, I didn't want to let him out of my sight.

I won't let anyone else die because of me.

My mouth filled with thick blood as a fist suddenly smashed against the side of my jaw. I spat at him instanly while he scowled at me. There were a chaotic glare in his eyes as his hand shot forward grabbing for my neck. My body charged letting me dodge to the side with an impressive speed. I was trembling severly but I couldn't let my guard down. The man swung his metallic spear at me yet again, I caught it and propelled myself into the air, landing just behind him. My charged up legs sprung into action instinctively as I kicked behind his knees, causing him to fall to the hare ground. I winced at the sheer pain from kicking cold, hard metal. When my eye lowered into his form I couldn't help but smirk proudly. To my surprise I had managed to shatter the armour surrounding his leg to a satisfying degree.

Shit. I think I broke my toes.

Glancing at Aizawa once more, I noticed him dodging fireballs from one of the men as the other swung punches from the other side. Panic crept its way into my electrified figure. I let my emotions overwelm me and I started to run frantically towards him.

You will always be my top priority.

A cold object battered the side of my head, sending my vision into a blur for a second before I fell down. My head throbbed, everything spun around me. Clutching my forehead , I turned onto my side, coughing out crimson blood.

"I wont let you hurt him!" I snarled viciously, everyone glanced at me for a second before continuing. Through out doging and punching, Shouta shot me worried glances. I tackeled the armoured villian, clawing at the sheer metal that was paved over his disgusting face. He gripped me by the neck with a force that felt like it would break me. I held onto his muscly arm sending electricity through his body hoping to crack the metal casing. I grinned slightly as I noticed small cracks forming as my voltage increased.

"Looks like...someone...has a...limit" I muttered, attempting to throw him off.

"I'm not the only one." His voice was cold and stern as he lifted me up high before slamming me into the hard ground. Without giving up I leapt up yet again, only to be pushed back down with the sole of his foot. I was extremely exhausted from using my quirk wo much and found myself slowing down. Out of the corner of my tired eyes I seen a bright light before hearing Shouta hiss in pain. Fear set deeply in me, worrying for his safety. The armoured villian squeezed me further Into the ground as I watched him raise his spear slowly. It almost felt as if he was taunting me. I flinched, expecting to feel it pierce through me at any moment. Despair washed over me as he in fact launched the spear through the air, cackling maniacally. My heart stopped as I realised it was aiming for Shouta who wouldn't be able to react without blinding himself.

Why is this happening.

The panic coarsing though my body sent me into over drive. I screamed at the top of my lungs, unleashing a wave of electricity into the man who towered above me. His body tensed as he flew into the air, the metal on his body flaking off. He hit the ground with a sickening crack, rendering him unconscious. A shroud of flames encased me as I sprinted towards the glistening light. I seen Shouta clumsily stumble backwards still shielding his worm down face.

He was courageous as he still lashed out with his other arm. By a lucky shot he knocked the man who was showering me with flames. I spun in the air, my foot meeting the villian with the shining eyes. Blood speckled his smug face as he fell backwards, disabling his quirk as his eyes fell shut. Using the momentum from the kick it pushed me back, my arms out towards Shouta shoving him out the way. A tear rolled down my face as I watch as he unshielded his eyes falling back from my push.

I didn't want him to see this.

His scarf flew through the air soaring towards the incoming spear.

The spear penetrated through my flesh, pinning me towards the ground. All that I felt was relief  for the fact I had saved him. This searing pain was nothing compared to what I would have felt if Shouta was injured. My strained (e/c) eyes watered, the blurry vision of Shouta sprinting towards me. At that moment my heart sunk into a pit of despair.

Will we see eachother again?

His toned arms caught me as I fell. My body lay practically lifeless in his arms, drained of all colour. This was the first time I had seen him cry. He clasped my face, hugging me tightly, shouting for help. I reached my hand out to his face, reassuring him. I couldn't feel any burning pain anymore. My body was extremely numb and heavy. My pale blue lips trembled as I kept my eyes half open to gaze at Shouta.

"I-I Love..Y-you." My lips pushed out the words I longed to tell him. This caused him to grip me tighter, his trembling lips pressed against mine. I felt the hot tears run down his face into mine as his was the last voice I heard before everything turned black.

"I Love You T-too."

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