Chaoter 27 - Promise ♡

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Shouta furrowed his serious dark eyebrows as we entered the dimly lit cemetery. The air was fresh and crisp, making me shiver slightly. The glistening moonlight shone through the darkened graveyard, illuminating the gloomy headstones. Each one of our footsteps made a small crunch as we walked through the grass coated in frost.

I took a long, deep ragged breath in, squeezing his comforting hand with all the strength I had left. "I have to." We took a few more steps forward before stopping dead in our tracks. "It's the least I can do..."

I turned hesitantly towards the stone which was glowing in the moonlight. Not a single flower lay infront of it. The grass was completly bare and made my heart drop slightly. My illuminated eyes met Shoutas who watched me with curiosity. I gave him a sad nod, symbolizing that it was okay and separted myself from him.

Without his touch I felt alone. The breeze captured me, blowing my (h/c) to the side as I limped forward. Shouta watched over me, his gaze changing between the stone and my composure. My legs took me towards the beautifully carved heart shaped structure. I crouched down next to it, placing a single, vibrant flower
onto the empty space.

"Forgive me, Akane." I whispered, my voice trembling as I picked myself back up again. "You didn't deserve this..."

My head snapped around to Shouta, he stood silently, hands in his deep pockets. Although, he could piece together what happened from the villians psychotic rambling, he needed to hear it from me. My head spun with negative thoughts, so I could do was hope that he would always love me. No matter what.

After tonight, I have to tell him otherwise he'll think I'm a monster.

"Sh-Shouta..." he stopped what he was doing and looked me dead in my saddened eyes with a caring look. His tired eyes met mine with a serious yet tender look on his face. One single tear rolled down my glowing cheek though I never bothered to wipe it away.

"This doesn't change how I feel about you." He took a small step closer to me so that out bodies were barely a centimetre apart.

"It was my fault, I-" noticing the wavering in my voice he squeezed my shaky hand tight. His free hand grazed my cheek, removing the tear that has escaped me.

"I k-killed his daughter.." Taking a deep jagged breath I trained my gaze onto Shouta who was standing there without a shred of judgement. "I tried to save her, but when I activated my quirk...I...I set the house on fire."

The tears started streaming down my face faster than before as I recalled my past memories. "I..I couldn't get to her in time, my legs froze, it was my-"

"Don't do that to yourself, (y/n)." His hands had found their way to my hair, which was blowing in the slight wind. The touch of his hands calmed me, stroking me in a comforting manner. Inside I felt warm and secure, like I could talk to him about anything in the world.

"You can't save everyone." His tone was deadpan but I knew he was attempting to console me, after all, he had been a hero longer. I never even stopped to think about the things he had to deal with.

"Shouta, I'm a villai-" his lips touched mine gently, silencing me instantly.
"You're a hero." He spoke confidently into my lips.

"Heroes d-don't kill people"

"(Y/n)" he placed his thumb and index finger under my chin before moving my head to meet his gaze. "Whatever happened doesn't define you. You are a hero, You have saved countless numbers of lives by risking your own life."

I exhaled shakily, my breathing ragged. Shoutas soft gaze was locked dead onto mine. "Being a hero isn't always rainbows and sunshine. What matters is you keep moving forwards. You keep helping people. You have saved enough people to make amends for that one mistake" His lips curled into a genuine empathetic smile towards me "All you can do is look towards the future."

"Our future."

A smile graced my face hearing him talk like this. The exitement of having a future with him buzzed in my mind. This man had accepted me for all my flaws and imperfections.

I love him.

His large hands gripped onto me tight pulling me into him once more. A sense of warmth overcame my body as I started to let go of the past.

"Im on your side. Forever."

"I Promise"

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