Chapter 19 - No Regrets ♡

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Beep beep beep

That sound was so familiar to me now that I immediatley knew where I was without opening my eyes.

I might aswell live here.

I felt extremely nauseous and I ached all over. Every single little movement made me hiss in pain. My body was filled with tingles that made me feel uneasy.

Am I really alive?

Is Shouta okay?

My eyes flickered open as I heard a serious of low,quiet snores. The hospital light blinded me for a second until my vision cleared after a few blinks. Turning my head slightly I saw a tired Shouta in his vibrant yellow sleeping back sitting upright on the chair.

I hope you haven't slept there all night.

That sight alone made me burst into a waterfall of salty tears. I loved this man entirely, to the point where I ended up in hospital to save him.

I never regretted one second of it.

My arm felt like an achor as I strained to lift it over to Shouta, poking him slightly. I wanted to let him sleep but what I wanted more was  to make sure he was completley okay. He looked alot more tired than usual, his eyes were dark and bloodhshot, it made my heart break.

I'm sorry for doing this to you.

I poked him once more before his eyes finally twitched a little. At the sight of me his eyes widened. I noticed a single tear fall down his pale cheek onto the floor below as he bowed his head down. It broke my heart seeing him like this, I have never seen him an emotional wreck. Those eyes that were once cold and expressionless now held the deepest emotions.

" don't...have to...hide your feelings" I stammered as I tried to sit up. I winched in pain before his head shot up placing a warm hand on my temse shoulder.

"You have to rest." He pushed me down lightly, forcing me to lay me back down. His worn hand found its way through my tangled (h/c) hair gently stroking me. As he leaned closer I could see the sheer redness in his eyes.

I didn't mean to make you cry.

"Im sorry..I"

"You're awake now. That's all that matters" lowering his hand he intertwined his fingers in mine. I noticed a sudden change in his  expression, his features were soft but I could tell he was exhausted.

"It should have been me." My heart ached hearing those words. I could never have lived with myself if I let him get hurt.

I would rather risk my life than yours.

"I..would do it a heart beat" his eyes met mine as another tear left him. Shouta embraced me in a tight hug that told me he didnt want to lose me ever again. I felt his warmth radiate from him as I tried to keep my weighted eyes open. I was heavily sedated and was fighting it. I wanted to stay awake with Shouta all night. We both yearned to be in each others embrace. Neither one of us wanted to let go of this precious moment. There was a lump in my throat that I kept trying to push down, I didn't want to upset him more than what he already was.


My tear pricked eyes grew more difficult to keep open. Eventually I had fallen back into a deep sleep, surrounding by the tight brace of the man I love.


The next morning I woke up to the same tedious, steady beats. I looked around the room realising Shouta was nowhere to be seen. A small smile graced my face, relieved he was taking taking break.

I'm glad he's getting rest.

Flinching I sat up, looking down towards my injured arms . From what I could see I realised I was covered in purple bruises and small cuts that I couldn't even remember getting. The rest of my arms were covered in bandages that clung tightly to me. I was so focused on Shouta that the whole world around him seemed to have just been a blur colour and sound.

"You're awake'' A familiar deep voice made my heart skip a best. I turned slightly seeing Shouta walking in with a large cup of what smelled like coffee. The aroma wafted up my nose making my mouth water.

"More so than you" I eyed his coffee then looked back at him. "Shouta, you need to go home and rest."

He sat on the chair with a thump, quietly sipping his coffee without replying. It was obvious that he was hesitant to leave my side.


He froze for a second before raising his brow at me, lowering his coffee onto the table next to him.

"Are you trying to get rid of me?"

"I'm worried about you"

A half smile appeared across his tired face "That's my line". He intertwined his fingers between mine, the sheer warmth melting my heart.

"How long have you been here?" I already knew the answer. By the yellow sleeping bag that was now strewn across the floor I could tell he hadn't left my side. Realising I wasn't getting an answer out of him I rephrased the question.

"How long have I been here?"

"Three days" he sighed, I could see his eyes welling up slightly. It was no doubt that he was absolutely exhausted and needed rest.

"Go home." His vision sprang back up to mine at my sudden change of tone.

"But I-"

"Need a shower." I giggled slightly, followed by a few coughs. He rubbed the back of his head in an awkward manner at my serious tone. "I'll be here when you come back."

After his infuriating reluctancy he eventually agreed. "I'll be back soon." He leaned towards me pecking my cold lips.

I missed this feeling.

"Stay here" he shuffled out the door resistantly, looking back to wave me away.

It wasn't like I was going anywhere anytime soon.

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