Chapter 8 - EraserHead Vs. Blackout ♡

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As we headed outside into the cold air, I felt his comforting warmth leave me as he disconnected our hands. I sighed realising how much I didn't want to let go of him but I had the students to focus on right now.

Both of us headed over to the chattering students and observed their fighting skills, which were quite impressive. They all seemed excited and full of energy. Which in turn filled me with hope. Except for Bakugou who's quick temper always got the best of him. I walked over to Bakugou and observed him fighting with the red-headed Kirishima. As much as these two seemed to get along, it didn't exactly look as if Bakugou could control his competitive side while fighting. Noticing me approaching, he growled in complete anger. "I'm betting on you to lose today!" That comment was swiftly followed by Kirishima punching him in the stomach yelling at him to shut up and show some respect.

"That's why you always keep your eyes on you opponent, Young Bakugou." He lunged toward me screaming about how he knows what he's doing.

"I don't need your damn input! You barely look old enough to even be a hero, you piece of-" he was abruptly cut off by Aizawas scarf grabbing the back of his collar. He held him in the air like how a mother cat holds her kittens by the scruff of the neck.

Bakugou screamed and yelled at the top of his lungs for Aizawa to let him go as the others laughed at his unfortunate situation. I should be focusing on my students but I couldn't take my eyes of Shouta. His eyes were glowing, blood red, his hair standing on end to reveal his magnificent bone structure. Realising I was checking him out in a daze, Aizawa dropped Bakugou on the hard ground. He grunted, pulling himself up. "Bakugou. Control Yourself." He hissed before moving onto other  students.

It was almost the end of class. Uraraka, Midoriya and Iida all bounded up to me and Shouta. "Hey, are yous gonna fight now?" Uraraka beamed. Her brown hair bounced up and down along with her.

I smiled at her sweetly, "Of course" I looked at everyone else who was eavesdropping in our conversation. They all started cheering, we could hear them shouting both Eraserhead and Blackout. Aizawa sighed at every ones cheering while I felt a sense of excitement. Patting him on the back, I whispered, "Good luck, Eraserhead."

"Hey, Iida." Tenya's ears perked up.

"Yes, Miss?"

"Will you count us down?"

"Of course!" Iida stood up straight pointing at where we needed to stand. He was really a Both leader. Both me and Aizawa listened intently to him as he inevitably went off on a tangent. "The winner is the first one to be taken down for 5 seconds or more. No quirks aloud!" he glared at Bakugou, "We do not need a repeat of yesterday!"

"WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT ME" Bakugou piped up but was immediately shot down whem Iida began counting down. The students joined in with him, excitment filling their faces as they all sat wide eyed on the grass.


Aizawa immediately used his scarf, I watched it come soaring towards me and immediately dodged, sliding under his attack. I ran and leapt into the air, aiming a kick towards Aizawa's toned abs, he pulled his scarf yet again, wrapping it around my ankle. Pulling me out of my kick I flew towards the ground at an angle. Before I hit the grass, I extended my arms out. I felt my hand make contact with the ground and pushed myself up as another piece of scarf came towards me. At that moment I was in a handstand postion as I let my legs fall backwards, bringing me back to standing. Aizawa charged head first towards me, lifting his leg up in a kick. He foot came in contact with my stomach and as that happened his scarf wrapped around my waste.

He's trying to trap me.To force me off balance...or...maybe hes trying to get close to me.

A smile creeped across my face, distracting me. I fell backwards, my head smashed off the ground,causing me to wince. The adrenaline forced me to keep pushing forward. His foot was still on top of me pinning me down. Shouta must have been distracted since he eased off a little as he heard me wince in pain.

I could hear Iida counting how long I was down for, he got up to three seconds. Then, I hooked my foot around Shouta's other leg, forcing him to come crashing down on top of me. I winked at him as he landed on me then wrapped my legs around his. Using his momentum from his fall, I spun him around using my legs and my left hand. I had him pinned to the ground underneath me, straddling him with my arm across his neck. I blinked heavily a couple of times, as I heard the muffled words of Iida counting to five and everyone cheering, except for Bakugou.

Realising I had won I took the time to catch my breath. Underneath me Shouta looked slightly startled but also impressed with my skills. The bell rang and most of the kids had ran away before we dismissed them, leaving only a handful left.

I felt my body grow weak as I tried to keep my eyes open. Loosening my grip on Shouta,I fell into him. He sat up, holding me steady. "(Y/n)? What's wrong?" I heard the concern in his voice as I stood up shakily.

"I'm fine.. I think I just hit my head"

He supported me as we stood up, a few of the kids were shouting asking if im okay. He nodded and sent them off. It was Just me and him now. He looked at me with his tired eyes,

"You put up quite the fight "
I smiled at his remark, removing my hand from the back of my head.

"Sh-Shouta-" I stammered, stumbling into him as he supported me. He hadn't broken eye contact once with me since we got up. Sensing my voice waver he followed my gaze and froze as he seen my hand was covered in sticky, dark red blood.

"Shit" he guided me with his arms "Lets get you to recovery girl".

"What the hell did you do to her?" Recovery girl snapped at Aizawa who stood there looking guilty. She smiled at me, sincerely as she finished healing me. I no longer felt dizzy and i could see alot clearer, but I would be lying if I said my head didn't ache.

"Are you going on a date?" She asked suddenly.


"Your make up...its still pretty even though your face is covered in dirt."

I laughed at her as she cleaned up my face gently. Shouta stood there in silence, obviously not comfortable at the talk of makeup and my love life. With a satisfied look Recovery girl nodded. "Perfect".

"You be careful with her now, Shouta. You hear me." I couldn't hold in my laughter as Aizawa dragged me out of the room by my arm.

"I'm sorry" Aizawa sighed. I laughed, and hit his arm.

"Call it even."

"For what?"

"Using you to break my fall this morning."

He sighed, stopping behind me. My heart leaped as I turned around to face him. "Shouta?"

"I was just thinking" his voice filled the empty corridor. I tilted my head wondering what he was about to say next.

"You're just as beautiful without makeup."

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