Chapter 1

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"Master Chenle! Please wake up! You're gonna be late on your first day at school!" his butler, Leeteuk said while knocking on his door.

"Yes Leeteuk hyung! I'm already awake, don't worry!" he said while fixing his hair in front of the mirror. After some finishing touches, he opened the curtain of his bedroom window to reveal the sun shining with its majestic rays, birds chirping, the wind was blowing smoothly.

"Ah! Such a wonderful day! First day of school, here I go!" But before he leave his room, he remembers something.

"Oh! I nearly forgot my lucky charm!" He ran through his vanity mirror and opens the drawer to get a gold necklace with a heart-shaped crystal in the middle. In the middle of the heart, there's a inscription of letter "J".

He always wear this pendant because he believes it was a lucky charm to him. He kissed the pendant before hiding it beneath his uniform.

"My prince.." he mumbles dreamingly before going downstairs.

"Master Jisung, your breakfast is already prepared downstairs, please hurry up, you dont want to be late on your first day" Shindong said.

"Yes Shindong hyung! I'll finish really quick and I'll go downstairs!" his butler scratches his head before leaving his room.

"Ah, another year at school! Hope to have fun this year as well" he said after fixing his things and leaves his room.

Evergreen Academy. An exclusive school were rich families send their children to study. Every morning is like a red carpet premier scene: expensive cars lining up, heir/heiress going out of their car with their butlers at side, fixing their things and bidding farewell to them.

But two expensive cars stand out the most. Both simultaneously stopped in front of the golden gates of Evergreen.

"Nice to see you again this year, Pwark! Ready to get your ass beaten?"

"Not so fast, dolphin! Pretty sure im gonna beat your ass this year!"

Students are always amused on how competitive Jisung and Chenle can be. The two are the best students in Evergreen. They always excel on academic tracks, and also in extra curricular activities.

Chenle is good in singing and he's the president of the choir club. While Jisung is good at dancing, he's the ace member of the dance club.

Both of the boys aim to achieve the Most Outstanding Student of the Year award, but for the past 2 years, the decision is always draw. They're not satisfied, they believed that only one can carry that title.

It was lunchtime. Chenle and his bestfriend, Renjun rushes to the cafeteria. "Oh my gosh, I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse" Chenle said.

"Eeew! I thought you were a vegetarian Chenle.." Renjun replied.

"Its just an expression dumbass".

They waited in line for their food. They always liked the food in the cafeteria because all they serve is organic. After getting the food, they sat on the table and talked about on what they did on the past summer vacation.

"We came to see the Alps and the air was really fresh".

"Renjun, you're always at the Alps every year, dont you get tired?

"Well, where did you do this year?"

"Actually, we came to see the Eifel Tower and it was really pretty in night, the lights are really romantic, how I wished my prince charming would propose to me there.." chenle responded with heart-shaped eyes.

"As if you'll find your prince there, you didnt even know where he lives".

"Shut up! I believe we'll meet someday". Chenle picked his hidden necklace beneath his shirt and kissed the heart on the middle while whispering, "Hope to see you soon, my Prince."

Jisung, on the other hand, is eating lunch with his self-proclaimed bestfriend, Jeno.

"How is your little competition with Chenle? Do you honestly want to beat him that bad?"

"Nah! Its just he's lil cute when he's mad".

"Whaaaaat? Did I heard it right? You called Chenle cute?" Jisung stutters when he realized that slipped of the tongue,

"I m-mean i like to pissed him off ha ha ha"

"Well that was awkward" jeno mumbled while taking a big bite of his sandwich.

Jisung sighed, "Well, that was close".

Chenle's last period is PE Class. After he finished changing in the shower room, he packed up his things. As he was preparing to leave, he remembers something.

"Oh! I forgot my lucky charm in my locker!"

He was on his way back to his locker when Jisung appeared out of nowhere; shirtless, hair's still wet from shower, water drippin' from his head.

"Like what you see, Princess?" Jisung smirked while leaning on his locker. Chenle realized he was staring too long at Jisung, blushed creeping on his face.

"Wh-what are you saying? And why do you call me princess?! For your information, my prince is way more handsome than you, Jisung".

"And who's this prince you're talking about?" Jisung walking closer to Chenle, trapping him in one of the lockers.

"B-back off! Its none of your business!" Chenle yelled while going to his locker to get his pendant.

"And what's that pendant of yours? Sort of a lucky charm?"

"Yes. Its my lucky charm and my prince gave it to me. And I repeat, its none of your business, smartass". Chenle replied.

As Chenle was about to leave, his phone rang. He answered it in front of Jisung.

"Yes, hello Leeteuk hyung. Why did you call?"

"Chenle, you need to go home early, your mom instructed me to pick you up and get you prepared, she wants you to join her in her dinner meeting".

"Okay hyung, I'll wait for you in the school grounds. See you hyung!"

Chenle hang up the phone and looked at Jisung. "Im leaving first. See you tomorrow, smartass".

After Chenle leaves, Jisung gets his towel to dry his hair. He sits on one of the benches, with a thought disturbing his mind.

"That necklace looks familiar. It looks like I've seen it before."

Jisung mumbles to himself while scratching his head.

Thank you for reading! ❤️

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