Chapter 19

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Yoongi POV

Mmm, is it weird that I snuck into the teachers lounge to get Jungkook Address. Now, now hear me out, I told my sister that I would find out if he was okay but... I can't just go asking around!

It would make me look like a stalker or something. Yeah okay, maybe I'm over exaggerating, I just can't help it I have a little bit of pride left.

As I walk out of the teachers lounge I think to myself that was too easy but I thought to soon.

"Ah Min Yoongi what are you doing in the teachers lounge."

Shit! The worst of them all, the Council president always up people asses about everything.

I sign before speaking " Mrs told me to come at lunch but she wasn't there" and...that was obviously a lie.

I knew all the teachers wouldn't be there and at a meeting but...

" But she's at a meeting, surely she wouldn't forget it. It's always on Friday's."

Ha, what a nuisance  I though before opening my mouth again, " Yeah but everyone forgets once and a while." I say rubbing the back of my neck and smiling.

" But you know teachers have meeting on Fridays too."

I signed, I was tempted to roll my eyes but I didn't, " I thought it might have been canceled so I just went in case" I say laughing it off.

"Well I have to go, bye" I say quickly walking off.

As I go through the hall I tighten my fist which hold Jungkook address, yes I got it! I smiled to myself.


As I walk home I couldn't stop thinking what to say to Jungkook, should I be mad, should I be excited. No I'll stop think about it and go as soon as I can, maybe tonight.


Damn, time went by fast it 5:00pm and I'm already here he only lived 10mins away and I remember him saying to Sana once he's always was alone at home.

As the thought cross my mind I quickly check the piece of paper again, which is in my palm, making sure it's the right address. I look at the number on the letter box.

I sign, Okay here I go. I walk up the three steps and knock on the big door softly. . .

No answer.

Again I knock on the door harder and call out" Hey Jungkook."

"Knock, Knock! Hey Jungkook you there?!"

After I while I realise he's not home. Fuck, if he not here then where is he! I thought to myself.

As I walk away I hear the door open slightly and a weak voice appeared " yoongi that you?" The voice asked.

I turn around to see half of Jungkook face peck from the door, the first thought that crossed my mind was, he look skinny.

And that all it took I walk up fast and open the door quickly making him fall to the ground.

" Have You Been Eating You Idiot!" I say rising my voice.

Wtf has he been doing to himself. I angrily found it thinking to myself.

He gets up slowly and he looked so pathetic. I didn't know what to say, he's been in here starving himself for a weeks. I look around it was no surprise it was a complete mess.

"Come in" he say half heartily already knowing that I invited myself.

I shut the door be hide me and follow him to the living room. The house was big and incredible nice/modern.

" Take a sit" he say as I sit myself down on the couch.

"Do you want a drink"

" No Thanks" I say. He sits down next to him leaving space between us.

"Let's get to the point, where have you been" I say as silence lingered in the air as well as awkwardness. No replied from Jungkook didn't help the situation.

"Don't ignore me! Even though you've been a complete asshole, Sana's worried about you".  

"Why did you dump her like that?" I say suddenly as my temper rises.

"Why you ask, it because I never liked her" he finally replies, I gripped my teeth together holding my temper in.

"Is that all you have to say? Why are you like this why are you not eating or sleeping."

"It's none of your business and you know that, so stop asking why."

I gripped my teeth again, what a asshole I thought to myself.

"Is that so." I say as silence fill the air again.

A few minutes pass when I open my mouth again, "I don't know what's wrong and to be honest, I'll probably not the best person to be here but I'm the only who's came here. So Why don't you share your problems with me, Jungkook." I say calmly.

He signs " Like I said it's none of your business, and don't act like you care all of a sudden, I'm not stupid even if I act like it, your wasting your time and we both know you're only here because of S-

"Punch" I stood there in front of Jungkook.

His eyes were widen as hold his cheek "Ow, what was that for."

"Snap out of it, you have no right to say that I don't care, I wouldn't be here if I didn't. I don't know what's wrong and to be honest I don't care but I don't like seeing you so pathetic. Even though you messed with not only me but my younger sister hurts me and still pisses me off. I won't forgive you for this!" I say suddenly.

I rush into the kitchen and grab the first thing of food I saw which was a apple. I go back to Jungkook who still had a shook expression I grab his jaw and shove the apple in his mouth.

" Eat or you will never hear the end of it!" I say harshly as I sit on the other end of  Couch with my arms crossed.

It's always the same with me apologising with updating so late but here again I'm sorry, but I hope you like it and there might be more mistakes as I right this 2 in the morning but enjoy☺️

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