Chapter 12

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Yoongi pov


"YOONGI" I finally turned around to see who was calling me in the middle of the school hallway.

Jimin? I questioned myself what would he want. He slowly catches up while I stand there and wait.

"Yeah, What do you want!" I say coming out more rudely than I intended. I guess I wasn't use to speaking to others.

He tilts his head and smiles at me, " Sorry to bother you, but could you please help me study." 

Uh, I was confuse, he was 3rd ranking in the school board so he was in the top 10 smartest at this school, what would he need help with?

"Many I ask What subject?"

"Well um about that haha." He said while he rubs the back of his neck. Was he embarrassed? He leans in closer to my ear "Math" he whisper. I sign and smile "Yeah I guess I could."

I just couldn't say no to him he was acting.... what's the word.. I guess...Cute was the word.

 I thought while smiling to myself. 

Suddenly I felt someone platting me on the head gently,  I look up with wide eyes, "Can it be after school at your's, then?"

"Ha, Yeh sure"

"Okay Bye Yoongi, see you after school" I stared at him as he waves goodbye with a smile on his face...

I touch my head as I was frozen. 

Why did I like that?

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