| Markus - 1 |

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A/N: Hey! Sorry, I didn't really update this weekend, I was hanging out with some friends I haven't seen in a while! 


You were standing on the roof of your apartment building, admiring the beautiful sunset behind the cityscape of Detroit. You started creating the scene in front of you on your canvas and got lost in your work until someone pulled you back into reality. "I like it. Your painting, I mean." You came face-to-face with an attractive man. He had tan skin and these beautiful different colored eyes. "It's very realistic, and the colors go together extremely well." Your face heated up a slight bit. "I- Thanks. I never really paint that much, but when I do people seem to like it. I just do it for fun though." He seemed shocked. "Really, now? Well, it's very impressive." He smiled warmly and got closer to your canvas. You subconsciously stared at him in thought and lowered you paintbrush and palette. "You seem... familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?" You swore you knew who he was, you just couldn't put your finger on it. He softly chuckled. "You might. My name is Markus." Then it clicked. Markus. The leader of the Android revolution a few months back. Your eyes widened, and your face erupted in red. "Oh my god, Markus! T-the  Markus! What are you doing here? At this building of all places?" You nervously smiled, and almost dropped your tools. He laughed again, and your face somehow went even redder. "I actually come here quite often. This is one of the only buildings that have a good view of the sunset. I've actually watched you paint a few times before. It's amazing what you do." His voice was smooth, almost flirtatious. "Ah, thank you so much! I agree it is one of the better places in Detroit to see it." You put your paintbrush and palette down and held out your hand. "I'm (Y/N), by the way. You've been a huge inspiration to everyone, including me." He took your hand, and a jolt of both anxiety and happiness surged through your body. "It was nice meeting you. I hope I'll see you painting again soon." You smiled nervously and retracted your hand. "Y-yeah, I hope to see you too." 

You couldn't get his face out of your head for days. It was all you painted. His beautiful tan skin, and those mismatched blue and green eyes; Everything about him just drew you in. You were once again painting on the roof, but not the city. You were painting him. You looked away from your canvas and saw nobody else around you. Just you, and the buildings around you. You heard the main roof door open, and you almost fell onto your canvas while trying to take it down off of your easel. "Shit- fuck-" You couldn't take it off, so you just threw an extra sheet you brought with you on top of it. "Hi, Markus! It's nice to see you again!" He approached you and smiled. "Hello, (Y/N). What have you been working on without me?" He laughed softly, and his eyes locked onto your (E/C) hues. You looked away and awkwardly coughed. "I-it's nothing really, I was actually just finishing up, I-" You couldn't think of an excuse. You simply just sighed, and slowly removed the sheet. "It's you. I-I'm sorry if it's kinda creepy, but I just couldn't get you out of my head, and- and I just couldn't paint anything else." Your face turned red, and there was a bad feeling of anxiety pooling in your stomach. "It's nice." "W-what?" Time just stopped. "I said it's nice. I love it, (Y/N)." Your heart fluttered, and you smiled. "Ah! T-thank you! B-but it's not even that good, and it's not finished, and- and-" "(Y/N). It's beautiful. I like the unfinished look. Would you mind painting some more? I would like to see more of your art." You were shocked at his compliments and quickly hugged him. "Thank you. I'll paint for you, Markus. Always." He hugged back, and you buried your face in his chest. "I like you, (Y/N). I'm glad I met you." You tensed, then immediately relaxed, melting into the hug.

It was peaceful. Just like the day you met him.



also, this is kinda shit, I'll make it up to you guys later

Word Count: 761

Crystal, out!

Detroit: Become Human - Oneshot Book!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt