| Simon - 1 - Part 1 |

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A/N: Hi, sorry I haven't updated for a while, I've been kinda stressed and really busy with school, so I haven't been able to update as often. 


You were walking through the streets of Detroit, puddles of water splashing beneath your feet as rain fell atop your umbrella. Continuing to walk, you noticed some slightly blue discoloration in the water and curiously followed it back to its source. It was coming from an alleyway, in the middle of some dumpsters. It was an android, a PL600 model to be exact. He was damaged harshly and looked like he was just left there to die in agony. "Holy shit..." You breathed out. The blond android heard you and looked up, eyes widening and filling with fear. "Please, don't hurt me! I don't know anything, please just leave me alone!" He backed up against the wall as much as he could, before collapsing back down in pain. "Hey," Your voice was genuine with caution and worry as you spoke. "I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to help you." You crouched down and shared your umbrella with him. "Who-who did this anyways? Do you have a name at all?" You were trying to figure out what happened, but trying not to be pushy at the partially destroyed android. "I... I don't know. I don't remember. And m-my name is Simon." Simon, huh? Cute name.'  You thought. "Well Simon, can you walk at all? My house is pretty close to here, so I can help you out there." He opened his mouth to say something but hesitated. "Alright. I can try. I never got your name, by the way." You linked your arm under him, grabbing his side with the same hand. Since he was closer, you finally got a better look at his face. He had the prettiest blue eyes and a cutely sculpted face. There was thirium running down the left half of his face, but it didn't take away from how attractive he was. "I'm, uh, (Y/N)." He gave you a half smile, which made him seem even cuter. "Thank you." You started walking down the street again, your umbrella trying as much as possible to hide him, although there weren't very many people out, you couldn't risk them knowing.

"You are very kind for a human, (Y/N). Can I ask what compelled you to help me?" Simon questioned, his voice mixing pleasantly with the pattering of rain on your umbrella. You shrugged. "I guess androids deserve as much as a life as we do. I believe in the Android Revolution, and I hope everything turns out fine in the end. It just feels wrong to me to have someone else do everything I can do myself." He groaned and leaned more of his weight on you, almost making you topple to the concrete. You steady him and give him a look of concern. "Woah, are you okay? Was it something I said?" He groans again, then smiles. "I'm remembering. I'm remembering my past. Something you said must've triggered it to happen." Your eyes widened, and you gave a breathy laugh. "That-that's amazing! I guess we're not so different after all. But, I think we should keep going. It's only 2 more blocks, then I'll fix you up." He nods and adjusts himself so he can continue walking.

Pushing the key into the lock, you open your front door to reveal another android standing in behind it. They approach you fast, take your belongings, but let you keep Simon. "Thank you, Ralph. Can you help me take him to the garage? And get me some spare parts? Thanks again." Simon looked scared again when he saw Ralph. There were what looked to be burn scars on the left side of his face and some bits of his synthetic skin weren't working properly, showing the white plastic underneath. He wasn't sure if you did that, or if it was someone else. Ralph opened the door to the garage, clearing the table in the center, and then walked to a shelf parallel to find some spare part. "Ralph would like to know the model." "He's a PL600. I'm pretty sure they're on the very bottom shelf." Finding and retrieving the pieces, you started to work. When you were finished you saw Ralph in the corner reading a book, but you were unsure what book. "Hello, Simon. Welcome back. How are you feeling?" He sat up and moved his joints around, trying to find any kinks, but happily couldn't find any. "I feel great. Everything is okay on my end." You smile at him. "Well, that's good. Ralph, could you come here a second?" You called out. Ralph rushed over and stood next to you. He was wearing a dark green sweater and some black sweatpants. "Simon, this is Ralph. He is the first android I helped and rescued, and one of my best friends." He waves slightly at Simon, and Simon awkwardly waves back. "Ralph is very happy to help in any way he can!" He softly laughs and smiles. Simon slowly slides off the table, latching onto you for support as he tries to get accustomed to his new parts. "Woah, slow down there, Simon. It'll take a while for you to get used to your parts." He steadies himself and looks at you. "Sorry, it's just that I've never met a human who's been so nice to an android. But, (Y/N), I do have another question." You crossed your arms over your chest. "Shoot." He hesitates his response again, then stands up straight. "Is it possible for me to stay here for a while? Just until I can regain my memories back, of course. If it's not too much of a bother to you." A blue dust his face in wait of your response. "Yeah, of course! Stay as long as you need, Simon." He tackles you in a hug, almost making the both of you topple to the floor. "Th-thank you so much! I am in your debt, (Y/N)!" You hug back, enjoying his closeness. 

This was going to be an interesting time with him.

A/N: Hey guys, what's up?

I'm freaking the fucc out bc I hIT 400+ READS HOW

Word Count: 1054

Crystal, out!

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