| Simon - 1 - Part 2 |

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You were sitting on the couch with Simon, while Ralph was cooking you dinner in the kitchen. There were plants in multiple corners of the room, and some small succulents and mini-cactus on the coffee table. You were reading a book, and Simon was trying to gain his memories back. His eyes were closed, and he was making painful and disgruntled facial expressions. He opened his eyes, sighed, and leaned back into the plush sofa. You set your book down in your lap and put your hand on his arm. "You okay? Maybe you should try to have them come naturally. It might not be good for you to try and force them out. "I know, but-" He turns towards you and crisscrosses his legs. "It just feels weird not knowing who I was before. What if I'm supposed to be somewhere right now? What if I had friends before? Would they be looking for me, or-or," His eyes were filling with tears, and some were now rolling down his face. "What if they forgot about me?" You put one of your hands on his cheek, and another on his hand. "He-hey, calm down it'll be okay, Simon. You're fine, it'll be fine. Look, I'm here, Ralph's here, we're both here. We'll be here for you until you get your memories back. I promise you that, Simon." He leans into your touch and continues crying. "I'm just so scared." He whispers out. You immediately hug him, burying your face into the crook of his neck. He became quieter, and his crying slowly ceased. He wrapped his arms around your waist, and relaxed. Ralph silently walked over and set your food on the coffee table. Seeing what was happening, he smiled to himself and retreated to his room.

Your eyes fluttered open, and you could hear the rhythmic sound of something almost lulling you back to sleep. It was still dark outside, a sign that you hadn't slept for very long. You pushed yourself up, just to be pulled back down by something. It was Simon. After what happened earlier, you must have fallen asleep on top of him. He must not have minded since he was also asleep. Well, more or less in a low power mode than asleep. You gave up and cuddled into him once again. "Simon, I know you're awake." "And now you are too."  You sat up to where you were now straddling his hips and began to speak. "God, how long was I asleep for?" He looked up at you, who was stretching while he spoke. "You have been asleep for almost 4 hours. It's now 11:14." You yawned and got off of the male. You started to clean some minor things around the living room and then told Simon to follow you. You showed him the guest room, and he graciously accepted, even though you knew he couldn't actually sleep. You got ready for bed and climbed under your thick featherdown comforter, drifting off to sleep. 

You woke up to the sound of loud whimpering and crying. You pulled yourself out of bed and found the source of the noise. It was coming from Simon's room. You quickly opened the door and saw that his eyes weren't open. It was like he was having a nightmare. You quietly walked over to the bed and grabbed his hand. "Simon," You whispered, gently shaking him. "are you oka-" He jolted awake in a panic, and said something that almost made you cry. "Markus! Markus...?  I- He left me. J-Jericho, I remember everything now. I was apart of the Android Revolution, I know everything now." He looked at you, your (E/C) hues locking with his sapphire ones. "I need to go. I know where I need to be now." He stood up and hugged you tightly. "Thank you for saving me, (Y/N), but now I need to help save everyone else." He started walking to your front door when you stopped him. "W-wait! Take this, It's mine but you need it more than me." It was a backpack with a good amount of thirium pouches in it, along with some thirium pump regulators. You then gave him your pistol. "Please take it. I don't want to find you like I did the first time." He graciously took the items and gave a polite thank you. You both just stared at each other. You approached him and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. "Be safe, Simon. Now go be a hero." You watched him leave your house, as you just stood there hoping the best for him.

You just wanted to see him again.

A/N: Hmmm I updated twice in a day


I got a part 3 on the way, so don't worry if you actually like this for some reason.

Word Count: 811

Crystal, out!

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