One: College, dudes

Start from the beginning

After class

I was packing my stuff away and Lexi left because she had her next class to get to. I could see Michael watching me as he was talking to a girl. When she started to walk away, he walked over to me.

"Maybe we could get coffee now?" He asked as I stood up

"Maybe not right now" I said

"Sorry" He said as he followed me out

"You should come to the party tonight" Michael said

"This isn't high school anymore, Provost" I said as he was still following me

"I know but come on you need to make more friends" He said

"I'm here to learn not party" I said

"Of course you are......I know you, I think you forget that" Michael said

"You don't even want to here" Michael said as I got to my dorm

"You shouldn't even be over here in the girl dorms" I said and he rolled him eyes

"I know that Lexi will want to come" He said

"She will not" I said

"She would" He said

"If I said maybe would you leave" I said

"Um sure?" He said

"Good" I said and he stood there awkwardly.

"I just want you to know that if you would have told me what's going on I would have been there for you. No way would I have stood for my best friend beating up his girlfriend" Michael said

"I wish it was that simple" I said

"Well I'm not friends with him anymore" Michael said

"Cool" I said

"Well hopefully I will see you at the party" He said smiling and walking away. I just watched him walk away and wonder what would have happened if I would have told him that his best friend was hitting me.

"I think I like Michael now" Lexi said opening the dorm room door. I turned around to look at her.

"You were listening?" I asked

"The whole time" She said laughing

"Well the past is in the past" I said

"I think maybe we should stop at the party tonight....maybe you can see Michael" She said smiling.

"Maybe I will" I said laughing

"Why aren't you in class?" I asked

"Well I thought it was now but its not for another hour" She said and I nodded going into our dorm room.

"Maybe you will find a cutie at this party then" I said

"You probably should text Michael to get the details" Lexi said and I nodded. I grabbed my phone and pulled up Michael's text messages. 

Sam: Hey....

I put my phone in my pocket but then instantly heard a ding.

Michael: Hey :)

Sam: Give me the party details

Michael: Let me guess Lexi said yes?

Sam: Give me the damn details, boy

Michael: Calm down

Sam:  Michael Provost 

Michael: My friend and I will be at your dorm at eight. We can take you girls ;)

Sam: oh thank you so much! I totally needed you to walk me to a party that is here

Michael: Just so you don't get lost

Michael: Maybeeee Lexi will hit it off with my buddy

Sam: I will see you later, Provost

Michael: Fineeeee, see you at eight

I put my phone down and just thought of everything that got me to this moment. My father passed away...freshman year and then Theo came into my life junior year, he started to abuse me during summer time. I ending up telling Lexi and he abused me even more. 

I remember going to Lexi's house that night and we made a promise that for college we would get out of that small, stupid town. We did and we got far away from it.

I'm finally starting to live my life.


~~~~~~~~AUTHOR'S NOTE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

First couple chapters will be rough but hey it's a new book with a bunch of our fav people in it. Yes, my boos are in it. You met both of them in this chapter but you only know who one of them is.

Michael Provost is my man and if you don't know who he is it's fine.....more for me!

See you on the flip side!

Oh but also if you liked 'ONE MONTH' a book that Lexi and I wrote then this is the shit for youuuuuuuuu.

We need some other girls in our books so maybe if you want to be in this book then comment! 

Love your girl,


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