(Jin's outfit ^

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(Jin's outfit ^. Blond hair.)

☆☆☆☆☆(At School)☆☆☆☆☆

The three entered the school. Somi went alone to go with her boyfriend while the other two was trying to find their friends. "Jin hyungie I can't find Chim chim and Hobi hyung anywhere." Taehyung said. Suddenly, Jimin came rushing to the both of them. "S-sorry, *heavy breathing* I-I o-over s-slept *heavy breathing*." Jimin said. "*sighs* Chim, where's Hobi?" Jin asked. After Jimin calmed down he said "Family emergency. He's not gonna come to school today." Jimin said. They were walking until they saw their class nearby.

(Jimin's outfit ^

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(Jimin's outfit ^.)

"Jiminie do we have the same class?" Taehyung asked blinking cutely at Jimin. Jimin cooed at Taehyung because of his cuteness and said "Yes we have Taetae.". "I'll go to my class now. You two study well and don't cheat." Jin said. Jimin shrugged and replied "Okay mom.". Jin left and now the two went in their class. Many girls was talking to Jungkook. One of the girls was sitting on his desk clinging onto Jungkook's arm. Taehyung felt a stabbed in his heart. But he decided to ignore it.

"Ooooooh, look who's here. It's the weak, weak little beta." One of they students said. Jungkook look up and saw Taehyung standing near Jimin. They students laughed expect for Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung. "This little beta right here probably hoes around at night. Trying to find a good fucker." The other student said. Taehyung just ignored it because he doesn't understand what that means. I'll ask Jin hyung later. He (TH) thought and walked to his seat. "Can you please get out of my place." Taehyung said to the girl sitting next to Jungkook. "Ummm, let me think, no. Why would I take orders from a weak slut?" The girl said.

"Because it's my sit. Now can you get the fuck up. I don't want to waste my time." Taehyung said sassyly. He didn't know what came to him but he said it. The girl got angry. She stand up and pushed Taehyung to the nearest wall. Taehyung whined from the pain and closed his eyes. Jimin tried to help Taehyung but three male students pushed him to the wall too. "You fucking bitch! How dare you talk to me like that!" The girl, Hyejin said.

"Why wouldn't he talk to you like that you were sitting on his place, calling him a slut, and now this. Who are you to say this things?" Jungkook said angrily with his alpha voice that both humans and werewolfs are submissive of. He came quickly to take Taehyung who was closing his eyes. Taehyung didn't wanted anyone to see his glowing, submissive blue eyes.

Jungkook grabbed he's (TH'S) wrist and Jungkook dragged him to his back. "O-oppa-" "Oh my fucking good, how many times do I have to tell you. Don't. Call. Me. Oppa." Jungkook said still with his alpha voice while he dragged Taehyung to sit on his chair. The three boys let go of Jimin and Jimin went to his seat same as the other three. All three were equally scared from Jungkook's alpha voice.

Jungkook whispered to Taehyung gently "Open eyes. I want to see if your eyes are still glowing.". Taehyung hesitantly open his eyes he saw Jungkook's face inches away from his. "Close your eyes they're still blue." He (JK) whispered gently he putted his hand on Taehyung's eyes to close them.

Suddenly, Jungkook hugged him. Making him (TH) bury his face on Jungkook's chest. Blushing crimson red. "Stay like this for a while until your eyes are back to normal. The teacher is absent today so we have nothing to do." Jungkook whispered gently. "T-thank y-you J-Jungkook." Taehyung mumbled.

Both of them didn't care that the whole class was watching, Jimin smirked on his mind while he watched Taehyung and Jungkook. My new favorite ship is sailing~. Jimin thought. He's (JM'S) eyes turning slowly from yellow to his normal black orbs. Even Jimin was effected from Jungkook's alpha voice. Even a normal alpha would (remember Jungkook's a true blood alpha).

(Jungkook's outfit ^

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(Jungkook's outfit ^. Hair in DNA era. I know this isn't him but the clothes is cute 🐰🐰🐰)


Hello, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Jungkook's birthday is soon in this fanfic so you know what that means 😏. Also I made up this character called Hyejin. She will be a bitch in this fanfic with her three friends. Thanks for reading this chapter (even though it's boring as hell). I hope I'll make the next chapter better. Until bye bye, see you next time. I love you! ❤❤❤❤

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