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Colours did I draw on the wall

Graffiti the name I gave

Beautiful it was, people said.

But not even once the people wondered

That, it's not just are, it was the way that I felt.

Women in beautiful gowns or jokes of the town

Each had an inner meaning; wisdom was profound.

Fondness or is it anger?

Lovely things in life,

All comes in different colours,

With lots of happiness to surround.

We may speak different, colour different too...

Art is one and only, and our hearts the same too.

Love or is it terrifying?

You may get everything you need to draw with

But never forget, that it was all about-

Butterflies and clowns, lovely ladies in gowns

A happy girl in France, or a tiger who danced.

It is not just you or me...

But the beauty of graffiti.

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