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Shinobi ran frantically around as a horrifying beast roared out menacingly. It's Nine tails swayed ferociously, trying to free itself from the attacks that came like annoying swarms of flies.

The Nine Tailed Fox, or Kyuubi, was attacking Konohagakure, the Village Hidden in the Leaves. 

The Shinobi waited impatiently for the Yondaime, The 4th Hokage, to come and help. But the 4th was also in a predicament.


"I'm sorry Kushina, but we have to." 

A rather deep but sad voice whispered. A bright blond haired man hugged his wife. His wife, Kushina Uzumaki Namikaze, cried in sadness and fear. 

She was dying. Slowly, but surely.

Her normally dazzling red hair was frazzled, and her eyes were puffed up and filled with sadness and fear for her newborn daughter.

The 4th Hokage, Minato Namikaze, let his tears fall as he watched his daughter's eyes open for the first time. Piercing blue eyes much like his own stared up at him. 

The newborn laughed joyously, not bothered by the killing intent that lingered in the air because of the Nine Tails.

Kushina, smiled a bit, watching her baby tug her hair. 

"I'm so sorry... My baby...." Kushina whispered, eyes filling with tears again.

Minato held them close, "Ok Kushina... I'm so sorry my daughter... Let's go." And he then, he teleports them away, into the middle of the battle field. 



The shinobi cheered, retreating to treat their wounds. 

Minato stood shakily, on Gamabunta, the Toad Boss summon. He carried both his wife and baby in his arms.

"I am sorry Minato, Kushina. And you were so happy and excited to be parents too." The Toad croaked sadly.

Minato gulped down the lump that formed in his throat. "Thank you, Gamabunta." His daughter laughed at the enormous toad, cooing to Gamabunta.

Kushina desperately tried to save her breath and energy, looking at her husband, she spoke.

"My daughter, My poor baby, I'm sorry for what's going to happen to you... Life as a jinchuriki is hard after all..."

Her voice rang loudly, if not raspy, out into the air, breaking the tense silence.

"I just want you to know... be a strong kunoichi, just like your Mother and Father. Don't be picky.. Eat lots and grow strong...

Make sure that you bathe every day and stay warm... Also... Don't stay up late... You need lots of sleep...

And make friends... You don't need a lot of friends... Just a few... Ones you can really, really trust...

I wasn't very good at it, but keep up with your studies and practice your ninjutsu hard... Remember that everyone has strengths and weaknesses... So don't get too depressed if you can't do something well...

Respect your teachers and upperclassmen at the Academy... Oh, and this is important.. It's about the Three Prohibitions for a shinobi...

Be extra careful about lending and borrowing money... Put your mission wages into your savings account...

No alcohol until you're twenty... Too much can ruin your health, so drink in moderation...

Another Prohibition is men... 

I'm a woman, so I know a lot about this but... All you need to remember is that this world is made up of men and women... 

So it's only natural to take an interest in boys... But just don't get hooked on bad guys... Find someone just like me or your father...

Speaking of the Three Prohibitions, be wary of Jiraiya-Sensei, you know...?

From now on, you're going to face lots of pain and hardship...
Be true to yourself... Have a dream and have the confidence to make that dream come true... 
There's so much... Oh, so much more that I want to pass on to you... I wish I could stay with you longer...
I love you...!"

Kushina cried, hugging her daughter into her chest. The baby, sensing her mother's distress, cooed softly, touching Kushina's cheek.

Kushina wiped her eyes, "I'm sorry Minato, I took up your time to say anything." She said softly.

Minato smiled softly after listening to Kushina say those words, "It's okay Kushina." He reached down to touch his daughter's cheek, "We both love you so much, remember that..." He softly said, picking up his daughter.

Kushina shakily stood up. Minato held the baby in one hand, and took Kushina's hand in his other. 

Squeezing her hand in reassurance, he signaled Gamabunta that they were ready to move. 

The toad jumped high into the air, landing in front of a surprised Kyuubi. Minato quickly used his chance, making a hand sign.

"Death Reaper Seal!"


Hiruzen Sarutobi, also known as the 3rd Hokage, jumped through the roof tops, seeing his successor on top on Gamabunta.

By his side were two of his best ANBU.

There was a horribly bad and almost painful feeling in his old stomach.

He arrived at the battle field just in time to hear a few sentences that cause his breath to hitch and his heart to skip a beat.

"Death Reaper Seal!"

Hiruzen landed on the ground with a heavy thud, he landed next to his successor, panic gripping his heart. 

Gamabunta had gone and the Kyuubi was too. He couldn't believe Minato would do this- but what did he-

A loud wail directed his attention, in both Minato and Kushina's arms was a wailing baby girl.

Hiruzen quickly picked up the girl, freezing as he spotted the ink-like seal on the baby's stomach. 

"So Minato, you saved the village... for the cost of your own life... sealing the Kyuubi into your own daughter nonetheless..." Hiruzen whispered sadly. 

A raspy voice gasped out.

Kushina, barely hanging to her life opened her eyes. "Hiruzen..." She called softly. 

Hiruzen snapped his head quickly to Kushina, handing the crying baby softly into her arms. "I'm sorry... Kushina."

Kushina nodded weakly. "Hiruzen promise me... You'll protect her..." He nodded in response.

"Hiruzen..." Kushina called, her eyes drooping, she started to see black. 

Hiruzen gazed sadly at the young woman in front of him. Kushina gasped out for air to say her last sentence.

"Hiruzen... Me... and Minato's baby... help... help her become a... strong kunoichi.... Her... Her name.... Her name is Naruko.... Naruko Uzumaki.... Namikaze...."

And with hat, Kushina breathed her last breath, entering the afterlife.

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