Chapter Thirteen

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Elora sat on the edge of a well-made bed on the second floor of the inn and watched Nyal pace the length of the room. She had chosen a room near the stairs so that if anything happened, they would be able to escape easier. The room had two beds, one for her and one for Nyal, who didn't look like he would be sleeping anytime soon.

He'd been doing in since they had separated from the rest, lost in thought and restless. Elora didn't know how to help and instead opted to just leave him be. She hadn't spoken much with the group after she'd been told about the army in Planina, listening to the others instead. They had separated into different rooms not long after, all of them tired from the long walks the day had brought. They all had a lot to think about.

"Nyal," she said. He barely spared her a glance and continued his pacing. "Nyal, what's going on?"

He barely spared her a glance. "They're all dead," he muttered back to her, running a hand through his hair.

"I know," she replied. "But there are others in Planina. We know they're alive."

"They have an army," Nyal said, finally stopping and looking at her. "There's no way they can win against the Zlohiel. I saw that dragon, there's no way they can beat that!"

"Then we have to go there," Elora replied, standing up and making her way over to him. "We can help them. Don't you want that?"

"Of course, I do!" Nyal exclaimed. "I just... What if we fail? What if the Zlohiel win?"

She resisted a shudder at his words. "I don't know," she replied. "I haven't thought about it. I don't want to."

"You should," he said and started pacing again. "We need to fix this. I'm just not sure if we can."

She pursed her lips at him. "We have to try," she told him. "It will be worse if we don't." She didn't want Nyal to lose hope. If he did, then what chance did she have? She couldn't do it on her own. She needed a Healer. She needed Nyal.

He sighed. "I know," he said. He stopped his pacing again, this time moving to sit next to Elora on the bed. "What about Ragen and Mikhail?"

"We'll tell them that we're going to Planina. they can come if they wish to," she answered.

"And if they don't want to?" Nyal asked, staring down at the floor.

She adjusted her position on the bed to face him. "Then we go our separate ways." It was as simple as that.

"I don't want to lose more people," Nyal said, sounding more resigned than angry about it.

Elora let out a huff. "We can't force them to come with us," she said. "It will be dangerous. It's their choice if they want to face that with us. Although, I have the feeling they'll come with us. We're safer in a group."

Nyal was silent at her answer, thinking it over. "And Elizabeth and her group?" he eventually said, looking up at her. He no longer seemed phased by her eyes like he used to. A good sign.

"They have their own mission. I'm sure we'll see them again at some point." She didn't quite believe her own words, knowing there was a high chance the trio would die trying to find other survivors, but she had to tell him something.

He didn't say anything back, moving from Elora's bed to her own. It seemed that despite getting his words and feelings out, Nyal was still restless. "Nyal," she called when he made it to his bed. "You should get some sleep. We have a long day ahead of us."

She heard him grunt in reply as she rolled over, pulling the thick blankets over her. She didn't realise just how much she had missed the luxury of a well-made bed until then. Letting out a contented sigh as she sank into the mattress. Sleep took hold of her quickly, pulling her into the darkness.

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