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After we had a few free days in New York we return to Chicago for a while. We didn't have any plans set in stone for the near future but we were at least here until my check up appointment. So we get to, for once, just relax.

I get up from bed and relieve myself like I do every morning. I brush my teeth and run my fingers through my hair. It was down past my shoulders now and that made me happy, I had really missed my hair.

After I wash my face and put on some deodorant I decide to go to the living room. I make up some coffee but something catches my eye. I see my piano sitting there, it hasn't been touched in so long because we've been so busy. But that thing was a corner stone of my life, I have the greatest of memories of that thing and I really missed being able to just sit there and let the music take me.

And on top of the piano was the rest of my great memories of what's been a good year and a half of my life. Probably the greatest year and a half. Anthony always makes sure he gets the amazing moments in our life captured and it goes on top of this piano within a day. There was picture of the balloon ride, our dates on top of the hospital, the John Legend concert, the time I surprised him at the game on his birthday, everything that I hold close in my heart. It's a shame I don't get to sit here all that much, it brings nothing but happiness and a smile on my face when I'm able to.

I start to play the piano and I was a little rusty, I won't lie. But a song come to me naturally and I have no problem figuring it out. Eventually Anthony joins me on the bench and I smile. The last time we did this we were on stage at the John Legend concert. But he softly starts to sing as we play together.

"We've been together for a while now
We're growing stronger everyday now
It feels so good and there's no doubt
I will stay with you as each morning brings sunrise
And the flowers bloom in springtime
On my love you can rely
And I'll stay with you.

Oh I'll stay with you through the ups and the downs
Oh I'll stay with you when no one else is around
And when the dark clouds arise
I will stay by your side
I know we'll be alright
I will stay with you

Though relationships can get old
They had a tendency to grow cold
We have something like miracle
Yeah, I'll stay with you."

I look into his eyes and I can't help but smile. We've been together for over a year and a half now yet it seems like forever and it feels like those first few days where everything was so fresh. There isn't a person I would rather have my life like he is, and there's no one who makes me feel so good like he does. Sometimes I feel like we're a old married couple, sometimes I feel like I'm seeing him for the first time again. Sometimes I feel like it's all too good to be true, like life with someone shouldn't be this meant to be.

Don't get me wrong, we've had our fair share of hardships. But none of them come from each other, and all of them are solved with each other. I know that even when I felt my lowest that he would be there to lift me up. When it all seemed so dark he provided a light, and that light only got brighter since those days. And that's why we sing this song to each other. Because no matter what he will stay with me.

"Oh I'll stay with you through the ups and the downs
Oh I'll stay with you when no one else is around
And when the dark clouds arise
I will stay by your side
I know we'll be alright
I will stay with you

And there will be heartaches and pains, yes it will
But through it all, we will remain
In this life, we all know
Friends may come, they may go
Through the years I know
I will stay

And in the end I know that we'll find
Love so beautiful and divine
We'll be lovers for a lifetime, yeah
And I'll stay with you
I will stay with you."

We stop playing and I move in closer to him. I rest my head on his shoulder as he puts his arm around me. I look at all the pictures and just smile.

"What made you come to the piano" Anthony wonders.

"I don't know. I just felt like I needed to be here. And I was right, I needed this and I didn't even know it" I explain.

"I know this sounds weird, but I kinda miss being cooped up in the hospital. Things were so simple. We could just sit and play the piano for hours unbothered and create such beautiful music" he remembers.

"Even our bad times were pretty good" I admit.

"I loved the little things so much and they get lost out here. Don't get me wrong, we've had a great eight months outside the hospital, but I miss the moments like this where I don't need a picture to capture it and put it with the others. Just being here with you is enough" he says.

"You really love me huh" I ask.

"More and more every day" he admits.

"Has there even been a time where you didn't like me" I wonder.

"Not even a second. Not even a thought that you were anything less than the best thing to happen to me" he says.

"I just don't get it, I guess. When you met me I wasn't close to anything I wanted to be, but you saw me and you fell in love with me anyway. You saw that girl I wanted to be and you helped me get here. You fixed me" I insist.

"You were never broken. You were hurting, but you were always stronger than you realized" he says.

"You're my strength" I insist.

"And you're my everything" he says.

Stay With You (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now