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By the end of April Maliyah was all settled into the apartment and we were ready to start our lives together. She was registered for online classes to finish getting her degree and by the end of the summer she will have it. She had regularly scheduled appointments at the hospital she was required to go to but other than that she was finally free from her shackles and nothing was going to stop her.

"Hey babe, your mom just called and your parents are on their way in town" Maliyah says as she walks into the kitchen. She wore nothing but one of my shirts as she struts away to grab two coffee mugs. She goes to start up some coffee and warm up some bagels for a quick breakfast.

"Wait... why didn't she call me" I pout.

"Because she likes me better" she teases and I let out a huff. "Oh come on, you know I'm just messing with you" she assures me.

"A kiss would make me feel better" I smirk and she just shakes her head. She walks over and wraps her arms around my neck before pulling my in close. She pulls me into a deep kiss and I rest my hands on her butt.

"You might want to get some clothes on before my parents get here" I insist.

"It's Chicago, we got some time" she insists.

A second later there's a loud knock on the door and she freezes.

"Oh shit" she mutters as she runs down the hallway and into our room. After shamelessly watching her go I go to the door and answer it to see my parents standing there. I welcome them in and get them a cup of coffee too.

"Where's Maliyah" my mom asks.

"She's getting changed" I explain.

"I'm here" Maliyah cheers as she skips out of our room. She goes over and gives my mom a hug and I kinda just stand there.

"Are you two like best friends are something" I ask.

"I guess so" Maliyah shrugs.

"It started out with me wanting to be there for her like I was for you when you had cancer. Then our relationship just grew from there" my mom explains.

"Well you are the two most important women in my life so I guess this is good news for me" I say.

"I guess so" my mom teases.

Maliyah makes some eggs and pancakes for breakfast and we enjoy the meal. We sit around and talk for a little before heading over to the children's hospital for a friendly visit. I have to admit I missed that place, I spent the better part of a year in there and even though the circumstances weren't great, the memories were.

"There's the worlds greatest nurse" Maliyah yells as we find Tamara doing her job. She quickly turns around and looks for where Maliyah was. Once she finds her she runs over and jumps into her arms. I smile big because I knew that Tamara meant a lot to Maliyah. Besides Julie that is her best friend and they've been through a lot together. I'm happy that they're staying friends after all they had been through.

"Wow look at your hair, it's getting so long. And is that a tan I see" Tamara asks.

"It is. Anthony keeps me busy" Maliyah claims as she smiles at me.

"It's good to see you again. And of course you too Laurie and John and Anthony. How have you guys been" she wonders.

"We're good. Figured we would stop by to say hi and see what everyone was up to" I explain.

"You are more than welcomed here. In fact there's a new guy in Maliyahs old room that would love to meet you" she claims and I smile.

"Sounds like a plan" I nod.

After visiting some old friends and reminiscing on some pretty good times we go up to the 14th floor. I slip my hand in Maliyahs as we walk down to the end of the hall. It's been a few weeks since we were up here and I was getting all kind of sentimental.

She knocks on the door with her free hand and the door eventually opens. I see a young man in there with a shaved head and a oxygen tank hooked up to him. I smile as his eye light up when he sees me.

"Holy crap. You're Anthony Rizzo" he says and I smile.

"I am. And this is my wonderful girlfriend Maliyah and my parents Laurie and John. We were wondering if we could come in and talk to you" I say.

"Yes! I mean... of course. Come on in" he says as he moves to the side. We go in and I look around, I smile to myself as the memories hit me like a truck.

"Wow, this place hasn't changed a bit" Maliyah admits.

"Is this where you stayed" the kid asks.

"Yeah. For two years" Maliyah explains.

"Oh god, I don't know if I can do two years of this" he claims.

"Don't worry, my case was exceptional... exceptionally annoying" she explains and I laugh. "So what's your name?"

"Walker. I have bone cancer and I'm hoping I won't have to get my leg taken away but I'm not so sure about that" he claims.

"Well is there anything I can do for you" I wonder.

"Tell me how to find a hot girlfriend who will love me no matter what" he begs and I laugh.

"I don't know what to tell you. There aren't many other there like that. And mine found me" I smile.

"You wouldn't happen to have a little sister" he asks Maliyah and she laughs.

"I have six older brothers. But let me tell you that when you're in here you will take any kind of love you can get. I was lucky, I had two great families looking after me. And the people you thought would go to the end of the world for you isn't who you think they are. Being in here sucks, I'm going to sugar coat it for your sake. But the memories that this room holds are the ones I was able to create because of who was there for me. Not because of who wasnt" she explains.

"Are you guys going to be around a lot" he questions and I smile.

"I sure hope so."

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