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It was the beginning of October meaning the last game of the season was finally here. The Cubs aren't in a playoff sport, in fact we weren't even close to a playoff spot, but that's okay. We drafted a stud with the number two overall pick and I got my taste of the big leagues so that eventually I'll be able to make a difference on this team.

And honestly I loved it. Playing here in Chicago for this great city is a honor. These fans loved the sports in this town, I just watched the Blackhawks win the Stanley cup a couple of months ago and the Bears has one of the greatest football teams ever. There's never a down year when it comes to sports here. The history in these parts are rich, and to be a part of it, it's a honor.

And usually I go home in the off-season. With no real responsibilities it's probably best I go somewhere close to where my mom is to keep me out of trouble. I have a place back in Florida under my name near a beach for some summer fun. I even got my own boat that I throw parties on when I can. But my intentions were to stay here and help Maliyah, that's what they were and how they'll stay. I can actually see her every day now that baseball is done and that made me happy. I hated leaving her, I hated how I felt when she was gone, not knowing what she's going through but knowing that she was doing alone. So I was kind of thankful the season was about over because I can finally spend my time where it needs to be spent, and that's by Maliyahs side.

Since I wasn't going home for the break my parents decided to come up and visit me for a little. They would hang out for a while and we can figure out some fundraisers before they went back home. And of course they would spend some quality time at the hospital.

"Do you get to leave here when you're not getting treatment" my mom asks Maliyah as we all walk around the hospital. Our last game was a late one so we had time to kill in the mean time. So we wanted to say hi to the kids and get our steps in.

"No, not really. Sometimes I go to another hospital but that's about it. I've been here for a year and a half and the only times I've left this place that weren't medical related was when I saw Anthony on his birthday and when my brother won a award" Maliyah explains.

"What award did your brother win" my dad wonders.

"He plays for the New Orleans Saints and he won the Walter Payton Man of the Year award for what he did after that terrible hurricane hit down there. He donated a lot of money to help build up the community and get people the things they need and he helped build houses that were destroyed along the way" she says.

"That's awesome" my mom smiles.

"He's pretty great. Him and I were supposed to be the ones who had the big athletic careers, I'm glad at least he got there" she sighs.

"Are you going to go back to playing volleyball when you're done here" my mom questions.

"I don't know. There's always the Olympics but that's a long shot. I still have the skills and the talent. But I've lost 40 pounds since I was diagnosed and it's been all muscles. It's going to be a while before I can be competitive again" she admits.

"I think any team would be lucky to have you" my dad insists and I smile.

"That's very kind of you John. Thank you" she replies.

After saying hi to everyone in the hospital and playing with the kids it was time for me to suit up for the last time this season. So I grab my parents and head back to my place for a second before heading to Wrigley. They get changed and we find something to eat before heading to the park.

"You know... you got a real good girl" my dad insists and I smirk at him.

"Yeah, I do know" I assure him.

"You're a lucky man. There's not a lot of girls out there who is strong when she needs to be but is also soft when she doesn't. Sometimes I forget she has cancer because she's so lovely and upbeat. Kinda like a girl version of you. I'm really happy you two ended up together" he claims.

"Yeah pops, me too" I smile.

After getting changed I head over to the field. Even though we weren't doing hot in the wins column, we were still a special team with some really interesting sub stories throughout the locker room and espn ESPN thought our last game of the season should be on Sunday night baseball. So there was a lot of TV stuff around here and interviews going on and all that good stuff.

"Anthony Rizzo" someone says and I turn around to try and find the unfamiliar voice. I see Buster Olney, the ESPN baseball analyst, walking over to me and I meet him halfway.

"Hey man, what's up" I wonder as I shake his hand and he shakes mine back.

"I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions" he admits.

"Sure! What can I help you with?"

"ESPN is doing a big feature on the more prominent players of the league and what their life is like on and off the field. We were wondering if you and your girlfriend would be willing to do a part on baseball and how you use it to fight cancer together" he says.

"That would be really cool. I'll have to check in with Maliyah but I don't see why she would say no" I admit.

"Awesome. I'll contact you in the upcoming days with more info, thanks for listening" he says as he nods

"Any time" I say as I too nod my head.

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