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I end up spending my 23rd birthday much like I spent my 22nd, in the hospital. But on the bright side I got to move back to my old room, I just have to stay on oxygen so I don't end up with a iron lung or anything like that.

So I sit in my room and chill out for a little. Eventually there's a knock on my door and I look at it questionably. No one really knocks around here, it's a real open door policy.

I see the door open but nothing happens. Then I see a certain little girl I missed more than anything walk through the door making me gasp loudly.

"Tiffany" I ask.

"Hi sissy" she says and I smile big. She had a cake in her arms and a bag in her little hand but I didn't even care about that. I just cared about seeing my special little girl again.

"Oh my god, I've missed you so much" I insist.

She sets the cake and present down down before running over to me. I give her a big hug as she wraps her arms around my neck. I smile big as she holds me back. I had talked to her and face timed her a bunch in the three months since she's been gone, but this is the first time I've seen her since she left.

"This is the best birthday ever" I whisper.

"Look! I have hair" she says grabbing at the short hair growing from her head.

"You look so beautiful. I'm so happy for you" I say as I grab her face.

"So can you come with me now" she asks and I let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry sweetie. Not yet" I say.

"When you do leave, promise to come hang out with me" she begs.

"It's the first thing I'm gonna do" I promise.

My friends from the hospital join me and Tiffany as they sing happy birthday and I blow out the candles. I open my present from Tiff which was a really cute. It was a big pink unicorn onesie that is going to keep me warm since I was always cold in here. I change into it and she giggles as I twirl around making my unicorn tail fly around.

"How do I look" I ask.

"Magical" she insists.

We hang out for a while before it was time for her to go. My mom brings by some more gifts from my family and I open them up. She helps me out with some thank you cards and we share some laughs. My family was all over the place, but all I had to do is make a phone call and I know they'll be here for me. But they have other things besides me to worry about. I would much rather see them out in the real world than in a hospital anyway.

"What's going on in here" Anthony asks as he walks in. He had a Day game so he wanted to come by after and spend part of my birthday with me.

"I'm writing thank you notes with my mommy" I claim.

"And you're wearing..." he trails off.

"A adult onesie. What? You've never seen one before" I ask.

"Not on anyone over the age of 5" he admits.

"Where is your sense of imagination" I ask.

"I have imagination" he defends.

"Then me in a unicorn onesie should be of no surprise to you" I insist.

"Well I'm pretty surprised" he claims.

"If you saw her room back home you wouldn't be" my mom says and my eyes get big. I slowly turn to her as she gives me one of those "oopsies" smiles.

"Now I need to know" Anthony claims.

"I had a slight unicorn addiction" I explain.

"Her room is painted like a rainbow. And you would think she would have it changed when she got older" my mom shuns.

"Sue me for wanting to be happy" I scoff.

"We're getting off task" Anthony claims.

"What task were we on" I wonder.

"Your birthday. So close your eyes" he instructs.

"What? Why" I wonder.

"Because I said so missy" he warns and I scrunch my nose up. "Don't give me that cute little face" he warns.

"Fine" I groan.

"No peeking" he says.

"I won't" I promise.

I hear some commotion come into my room but I keep my eyes covered. I sit there for a few seconds before I feel Anthony pull me up and take my hands off my eyes.

"Look into my eyes" he demands.

"No problem here" I smirk. We slowly move backwards before he stops.

"Alright. Maliyah, the love of my life, here is your birthday gift" he announces.

He moves to the side and behind him I see a beautiful grand piano, on wheels of course. It was all pink and even had a seat with it. I let out a loud gasp when I realize what this man had just done.

"You did not" I whisper.

"I did. It's brand new and ready for you" he claims.

"I don't even know how to play" I remind him.

"I can teach you" he assures me.

"Can you" I tease.

"I can try" he smiles.

I sit down at the bench and he sits next to me. He plays a chord and I play the same ones a few keys lower. He then plays two in a row and I copy him. We do this for a while before we really got going.

"You're like a sponge" he admits.

"I really want to learn how to play this thing" I insist.

"If it makes you feel any better, I only know the one song" he claims.

"Which song" my mom questions.

"Our song" I smile and Anthony smiles back to me.

"I don't know whether to cry or to let you guys be alone" my mom whispers.

"You should probably leave us alone" I admit.

"Alright, I get the hint" she says as she grabs her purse. She kisses my forehead before taking off to go home. She had all my gifts along with all my other stuff because I can't keep it here because there's no room. But I keep the piano because it made this place a lot less terrible.

"Why on earth did you get me this? It is entirely too much" I insist.

"When was the last time you asked for something" he asks.

"I don't know. I don't like getting things, and what I do get I like to earn" I admit.

"Exactly. Would you have ever gotten yourself a piano" he questions.

"No, probably not" I admit.

"And that's why I got you this" he claims. I turn to him with a smile on my face and I just shake my head.

"You're the best" I smile.

"You are" he claims as he pulls my chin up and pulls me into a kiss.

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