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"Mail time" Tamara yells as she comes into my room. She had a brown package in her arms as she sets it on the table.

"If this is another stink bomb from one of my brothers I'm just going to stop asking for treatment" I insist as she laughs at this.

"I'm sorry to inform you this is not a stink bomb from your brothers but a care package from anthony" she tells me and I smile.

"Really" I squeal and she laughs.

"I love that you still act like this with him. I feel like you just met him and you're learning all the things you like about him" she claims.

"Love is beautiful, you should try it" I insist.

"I love you" she smirks.

"Doesn't count, I'm taken" I tease.

"Im not like you, I don't lead with my heart. I don't want to keep getting hurt so I am happy being by myself" she claims.

"Then you want to watch me open this gift from Anthony" I ask.

"I would rather stab myself in the eyes" she jokes as she leaves my room.

"Go find love" I yell.

"Bite me" she replies as the door closes behind me. I shake my head as I find a pair of siccors and open it up. I look inside the box and smile when I see a big fluffy yellow blanket. I pull it out and wrap myself with it because I know he got this because I was always cold. I made him cuddle with me and while this doesn't make up for it, it was still pretty nice. I look into the box and see a bunch of bright colored things, I always complain about how this place is so dull. But it's not like I can go out and buy a bunch of different things, I'm stuck here. But it looked like since he wasn't here to brighten my day he was sending me things they where.

Inside there was also some sheer yellow blinds and pillows. I also got a new onesie and some of my favorite snacks. It was basically a care package but more like a "I care" package. At the very bottom was his favorite Miami Dolphins sweater that I can't let Tim know it because he doesn't even like it when we wear Bears things let alone yet another team. But Anthony loved to wear this therefore I loved to wear it and I know it probably killed him to send me this which means the world to me. I slip on the hoodie and put the hood up because I didn't have on a head scarf and I was getting really cold. I stick my hand in my pockets and feel the paper crinkle in there so pull it out. I thought it would be weird if he sent this without a note....

I unfold the paper and smile when I see his handwriting. He gets crap for his signature but I think his handwriting itself was beautiful. I love whenever he leaves notes around or would write me. It was always something pretty incredible and always looked nice.

"Dear Maliyah,

I know we talk every single day for hours on end, but I still wanted to send you something. I can't even begin to explain to you just much I miss you let alone be able to write it down on a sheet of paper, but I thought I should try.

The other day I was walking around the city by myself just thinking. I was on my way to meet up with some of the guys for dinner and I stoped myself in the middle of a busy sidewalk. I looked up and saw the clouds in the sky and I thought of you. I thought about how you always talked about how you to jump into them. Part of me wished to look up and see you skipping about the clouds just like the angels do. To hear that laugh rain down on me and for it not to be over the phone. I wished to be able to just touch you, to hold you as we share our dreams like we always do.

I know it's just not the same without you here and being apart really sucks. But with being so far away I can better appreciate every little thing you do now that I can't see you do it. Like how I appreciate the way you always told me stories about your brothers every time something reminded you of them. Even if you claim you hate them you love them so much and you always make your love known. I appreciate the fact that you always put enough marshmallows in your hot chocolate that you can't see the drink at the top. I appreciate that you never miss a single chance to tell me that you love me and you make sure I know that you mean it.

I love everything about you and I wish I could tell you that in person. I wish I could love you in the way you deserve but the bottom line is I can't. But I can send you this package of goodies from the dessert. I heard it's been snowing a lot back home so here's some things to brighten your day. I hope it provides light like you do into my life and I hope that that I can see you again soon.

Much love, Anthony."

"Are you done being gross" Tamara asks as she comes into my room.

"No" I sniffle and she huffs.

"Dear god, is that Anthony's sweater he always wore" she asks and I nod.

"He gave me this and a bunch of things to brighten up my room because I always complain about how dull it is and he always listened" I cry.

"See, this is why I don't want to fall in love" she claims.

"These are happy tears" I claim.

"You're still crying" she accuses.

"And you're still lonely" I tease.

"I'm not alone.. got you" she teases and I shove her. Even though the situation isn't ideal, having a friend like her means the world to me. I could only imagine how awful this would be if I didn't have someone close to my age by my side.

"Yeah, you got me" I admit.

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