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Real Life

Dylan is laying across Chandler on their couch

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Dylan is laying across Chandler on their couch. Chandler paying with Dylan's hair making her start to fall asleep.

"Dylan. Can you get up? I have to pee." Chandler tells his girlfriend. She sits up and pouts at him. "What?"

"I was comfy and I was gonna fall asleep." Dylan says.

"You can after I pee."

Chandler leaves to use the bathroom and when he gets back he finds Dylan asleep on the couch. He smiles and scoops her up into his arms and carries her into their room and lays her down on the bed and lets her sleep. He goes to work on his own music.

Dylan wakes up a little surprised that she was in her bed but also not. She gets out and walks to find Chandler in his computer working on his music. She walks up behind him and hugs him. She kisses his cheek. She watches him finish up on what he's doing. He turns around and pulls Dylan into his lap.

"How was your nap?" Chandler asks.

"Good. How is your music coming along?" Dylan ask as she runs her fingers through his hair.

"Good." Dylan presses her lips to Chandler's then hugs him. "Why have you been so huggy recently? You've always been huggy but now you are more than usual."

"I just love you."

"That's all?"


"Are you sure?"

"Pretty sure."

Chandler then lifts up Dylan and holds her on his front with her legs around his waist with his  hands under her thighs. Dylan let's out a small shriek when Chandler lifted her up.

"You wanna put me down?" Dylan ask.

"Nope." Chandler says. He carries her into their room and puts her on the bed. He then sits next to her and hands her, her notebook with all her songs in. "Sing me the song I hope is about me that I saw the other day."

"Why can't you just wait till it comes out?"

"Because I like it when you sing it to me before it comes out."

"You're annoying you know that"

"Yeah but you still love me. Now sing."

Dylan grabs her guitar and opens her journal to the song Chandler is talking about."You think you know my heart And you probably," Dylan continues to sing looking over at her boyfriend every so often. He has a big smile on his face. Chandler loves hearing Dylan sing. Especially when in the past couple months she wasn't her self. "You're a beautiful thing We're a beautiful thing together." Chandler just sits and looks at Dylan. Chandler really loves her and it hurt him when she was not herself. It's so crazy how much Dylan rights about her life, but that makes her music more hers. "And that's a beautiful thing."

"I love it, and I love you." Chandler says and leans over to kiss her.

"I love you. Thanks for being a great muse."

"Anytime my love."

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