"I've waited forever to do that."

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"And that's Fourty points for Gryffindor and Sixty for Slytherin!" Seamus Finnegan's voice peered through the stands.

Kayli had watched as Pansy clapped from Slytherin side, and Hermione and Luna shot her a few smiles on the Gryffindor side. Her brothers were standing on the Gryffindor side as well, clapping their hands maniacally for their older sister.

Draco wouldn't even talk to her, not that he needed him to. His job was to find the snitch. Hers was to score points.

He and Harry both searched vividly for the small flying gold ball and they were neck and neck with it when she saw it.

A small grey light, moving quickly in their direction. Blaise had gone to pass a Quaffle to her but she watched as the light went right through Draco and knocked him off his broom.

Flying over she saw a Bludger coming their way as Harry attempted to help Draco back onto his broom but it was nowhere to be found. As she made it to them, the Bludger knocked her off her broom into Harry and he dropped Draco and they all came crashing down.

"Oh god! Both Seekers Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy, and Chaser Kayli Parker are down." No one was listening to Seamus' voice now.

McGonagall stopped the game, and Kayli sat up, she felt she couldn't move her ankle. She shook it off and looked to the two boys lying on the ground. She looked to Draco first, never keeping her eyes off him.

"Harry, are you alright?" She asked as Draco was unconcious and it was pointless to ask him.

"I'm fine. Just a little whoozy." Harry said, rolling off of Draco as she limped over to them.

Kayli searched his body for injuries. She felt his legs for any sense of irregularity. None. Then she checked for broken ribs. Nope. She felt his right arm and then his left arm. She felt the bone out of shape.

She started to unbutton the cuff off his shirt, and she pulled it up revealing a large tattoo. Harry winced.

"Harry, are you in pain?" Kayli turned to him.

"No." He stated staring at Draco's arm. Then it hit him, Kayli didn't know about the war. Her parents have probably protected her from it. After all they were Americans. She didn't know what a Dark mark was.

"Is it broken?" He asked, finally hearing Madame Pomfrey's large footsteps across the ground.

"I think so." She said pulling the shirt sleeve up further his bone was in an unnatural position.

Madame Pomfrey came up to them with many followers. Ginny, Blaise, Ron, Neville, and Theo had landed their brooms and made way over to the scene.

Madame Pomfrey came over to Kayli first. She shined a muggle tool in her face for a quick second.

"Are you hurt?" Was all she said.

Kayli shook her head back and forth, despite the agonizing amount of pain radiating from her ankle.

"Dear, you're limping." Was all the woman responded with.

She then turned to Harry, and shined the tool in his face. "Harry, dear what's your damage?"

"Just a few bruises and scrapes, Madame. I am a little dizzy though." Harry responded, shaking his head.

"You'll come as well. I suppose Draco dear, got the worst of it." Madame said, picking up in the unconscious boy.

"Mrs. Parker would you care so dearly to conjure up a couple of stretchers for you and your mates." Madame Pomfrey said with arms full of Draco.

Kayli waved her wand and muttered a simple spell and three stretchers appeared before them.

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