"Party at the Gryffindor place."

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Wednesday strolled along, and Draco and Kayli weren't talking still. She had gotten closer to Hermione, Ginny, and Harry. Ron had refused to speak to any of them.

She sat at lunch waiting for the time where she had to make her way to Potions with Slughorn. She felt a pressence taken seat next to her. She looked up and she was met by a pair of dark brown eyes.

"Hi Blaise." Kayli said, not looking up from her food.

Blaise looked around her to see Neville on the other side. "Longbottom would you give us a moment alone?"

"This is the Gryffindor table, remember Zabini?" Neville said not looking up from his plate.

"It's quite alright, Neville." Kayli said, grabbing her bag and placing it over her shoulder.

She pushed past Blaise to make her way out of the Great Hall but he rose from his seat and followed her.

"Why are you running from me?" Blaise said reaching just behind her.

"I'm not, just want to get to Slughorn's class early that's all." Kayli snapped back in his direction.

"Good then, we can talk there." Blaise commented, slightly quickening his footsteps.

She spun around on her heel to face the boy and he stopped dead in his tracks as he was near enough to knock her over with a simple breath.

"About what? Malfoy made it clear he wants nothing to do with me, although I do enjoy your's and the others presence you should remain loyal to your friend." She stated.

"Loyal to our friend? Please I've known Draco since we were in nappers, Pansy wants nothing to do with him over the countless times he's denied her, and Theo obviously would choose you over him any day." Blaise said stepping a bit closer to her.

"Well, still." She said, turning back to begin walking again.

"Been spending too much time with the Gryffindors have we?" Blaise joked, but it got him a jab to the shoulder.

"To correct you, Draco told me to stay away from him, not the other way around." She whispered in his ear as he was hunched over clutching his side.

Blaise looked up at her with a sneaky smile across his face. She rolled her eyes and stepped into the classroom placing her bag on the chair and taking out her book.

She slowly looked up to see Blaise sitting at the other end of the empty classroom, doing the same, and she turned back to her book.

Dreading opening it, she took out an Advanced Arthimancy book and began flipping through it. The American wizard schools taught muggle subjects such as Algebra and Geometry, it was her best subject with the exception of Muggle Music taught by Professor Flitwick.

She began to turn the page when she felt a hand close the book. Quick enough she removed her own hand from inside and looked up.

"I swear, Hermione's rubbed off on you." Neville laughed, taking a seat next to her.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She smiled.

"Oh please. You're in class early reading a book for another class, how more Hermione can you get?" Harry joked sitting down across the table from them.

Hermione rolled her eyes and sat down next to Harry. Kayli watched Hermione's eyes follow Ron as he went down to the other end to sit with Seamus and Dean.

"Don't mind him, he's just being a git." Kayli joked.

She felt someone lightly tap her back as they walked by. She looked up and Pansy gave her a reassuring smile, and then went to sit next to Blaise and Theo. Theo waved to Kayli, and she smiled back.

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