Chapter Eighteen - Family Fight

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Jacob's P.O.V

Last night was something else. I've slept with a few girls but it has never felt like that. After I got home, I just laid there staring, thinking smiling. Thinking about the girl next door. I sit up and look across to Lilia's window. Her room is pitch black so she must be sleeping. I lay back down and replay the night in my head, The way she touched me, the way to grabbed my hair, the way she kissed me. So tender yet hungry for more, for me. And I know I was hungry for her. I have never felt like this before, it was so passionate which has never happened before. She is so different and I love it.

However, there is one thing playing on my mind and I just can't bring myself to bring it up to her or even how I would even start to talk about it. I don't know why I can't just come out and say it.

Lilia' P.O.V

As soon as I got into bed, I realised what I had done that night. I'd keep going back and forth with smiling and then thinking about how my life may just end. Or even Jacobs if Liam finds out. And then the big question comes into my head. Was he using me just for this? To get in my pants? Will this be the end of the best time of my life? I'd love to know what goes on in his head. He's so mysterious. But that's one of my favourite things about him. That also includes his hair, his smell, his smile, the way he can make my knees turn to jelly with just a simple wink. God how lucky I would be if this high could carry on.

The next day...

I wake up and it's Saturday. Thank God. I look at my alarm clock next to my bed and it's half past 12 in the afternoon. Oops. I get up, have a quick shower, and head downstairs for breakfast. As soon as I enter the kitchen, Liam's eyes are locked onto me.

"Morning bro."

"Morning? That's all I get after you come in at 2 in the morning?"

"You sound like mom"

"Where were you? Who were you with? I want to know everything."

I just look at him with the 'are you being for real look'. He sends back his 'I'm serious, wtf, tell me' Look.

I sigh. "I was with Jacob; we went on a date."

"That's all your gonna tell me?"

"Pretty much all that happened."

He leaned back in his chair and watched me butter my toast. After a few moments, he replied, 'so you went on a date with Jacob and was gonna till 2 in the morning. This, correct?'

I nod, just staring at my bread not wanting to look at him.

'You're hiding something. I know you better than anyone.' He stands up, takes a bite of my toast and with a mouthful says, 'I'll find out what it is, you know I will!' And with that, he goes to his room.

This may seem harmless to some people but to me, it's the opposite. If Liam found out what had happened last night, I'll never see Jacob again because he'll be 6 feet under.

After breakfast, I went to my room and flopped onto my bed. I lay there playing games, reading, listening to music, texting, etc for roughly 4 hours. When I looked at my clock it was 4:48. As my mother was going to call me for dinner soon, I thought I'd shower and put on some joggers and a baggy t-shirt that looks like a dress on me. My mother couldn't jump down my throat about how I'm in the same pyjamas as last night. As soon as I'm done getting dressed my mother shouts. 5:30, bang on time.

As I head downstairs my phone buzzed in my pocket. I look at my screen to see a text from Morgan. It read, "wtf Lil? I thought we told each other everything?!?! Why do I not know the most important thing happened to you?"

My heart dropped all the way down the stairs. She knew. Which means Jacob has told people. And that everyone knows. Meaning I'm gonna hear lia....... "LILLIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! IM GONNA KILL THAT SON OF A BITCH" Liam comes storming out of his room. He goes to go towards my room but stops when he sees me at the top of my stairs. He just stared at me with his disappointed eyes. We stood there in silence for a while until he finally said, "what were you thinking? Jacob black? Out of all the boys you choose to lose it to Jacob Black?" He just shakes his head in amazement.

"It felt right" I answered him.

"It felt right? Are you being fucking serious?" He turns away to try and calm himself down. He leans against the bannister with his head down. Still not looking at me he says, "that's what you were doing last night wasn't it?" He says this calmly but I can hear the anger in his voice.

"Yeah," I replied quickly. He turns his head to look at me, chuckles shake his head then pushes himself back up. "Foods ready" He just stares, which took me by surprise. He goes to walk downstairs. "Liam?" I call after him.

"Yep?" He turns to look at me.

"How did you find out?"

"You really wanna know?" He looks at me concerned. I just nod my head. He sighs, "Jacob told matt who then messaged our group chat asking me if it's true. I didn't believe it at first and kept denying it but then Jacob said that it's true. Then I lost my shit with him. He's lucky I ain't over his house right now putting him in hospital for every messing with your head.' His faces go hard and he stares right into my eyes. I don't want you two to be a thing if this is how he is gonna act. Going around telling everyone like your one of his bitches. No, you're not like those slags. You have to promise me you won't go near him." I just stare back at him not saying anything. "Lilia? Swear to me you will stay away from him."

"I can't Liam." He starts to get angry again and goes to say something but I stop him. "Liam, I'm fucking 18, I can make my own mistakes. And to be honest with you, I don't think this is a mistake. You can't be the protective brother you've always been. Hell, you lost your virginity at 16! Who are you to tell me who I can and can't talk to?" I can feel myself getting angry now and Liam sees it too. I close my eyes and take in a big deep breath. "Liam, I love you, but your gonna have to just get used to the fact that I am 18, and I can sleep with boys now. It's not like I'm your younger sister by 5 years, it's 5 minutes." He seems taken back. We stand there for a minute and then he turns and leaves without saying a word.

After the most awkward dinner ever, I head to my room and all I want to do is sleep. But then I remember, me and Jacob are meant to be going to Lexie's

'welcome home' house party. Fuck, I don't know if I'm up to this. I must confront Jacob about him telling everyone and if Lexie sees us arguing, she'll be swopping into him like a hawk. Urghhh, what do I do?

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