Chapter Twenty-One - Too Many Shots

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Liam's P.O.V

I might have overreacted about this whole situation with Lilia and Jacob yeah, but I'm the protective brother, It's my job. And plus, it starts, they've left me and Morgan at the party. I head back in and Morgan comes up to me, "What happened out there?"

"Lilia and Jacob have gone, something big happened to them tonight." I can't help but smile, I'm happy for my sister.

"Big as in good or big as in bad?"

"Good. Really, really good." She looks at me confused. "She'll tell you tomorrow, come on I'll get you a drink." We walk to the bar and I order myself a bottle of corona and Morgan sex on the beach cocktail, her favourite.

"You remembered?" She asks with a smirk.

"Remember? We went out last weekend with everyone and you ordered about 15" I say laughing. She playfully punches me and just rolls her eyes.

"Come on, I want to dance."

"Oh no, Morg you know I have two left feet." She grabs my arm and suddenly, I'm standing in the middle of the dance floor and Morgan is dancing trying to encourage me to move

"Move your feet, you look like a twat standing still!" Morgan shouts to me over the music. I start to step side to side, completely offbeat. I look at Morgan and I can see she's trying to hold in a laugh. I stop in a childlike huff and her laugh escapes from her lips, loudly. I can't hold my laugh in and end up bursting into laughter with her. We end up getting shots after shots and I lost count of how many drinks we had...

I wake up and feel blinded by the light coming into my room. I take a minute and then roll over and look at the time on my phone, 12:34 pm. Well, that's what Sundays are for aye. I stretch out and then I feel movement next to me. I don't remember who I brought home last night but I guess I did, oops. I start to sit up and then my head starts banging, water and pain killers are needed. I look to my right and freeze... Fuck.

Morgan's P.O.V

After watching Liam make himself look like a tool on the dancefloor, we go to the bar and get so many drinks I literally could not even give you an estimate. I don't remember much after that, some blurry memories of Liam embarrassing himself with his non-existent dancing skills, more shots, drunken heart to hearts, shots again, fresh air and then more shots.

I wake up and I can feel my head banging already. I slowly open my eyes to the very bright room. I start to look around and realise I'm not in my room. I start looking at everything around me and I recognise it all so clearly but I can't work it out. I look to see the time on my phone, 12:39. I love Sundays. I start to feel movement next to me. I roll over and freeze. Fuck. "Liam?! Did we?"

"I don't know. Are you naked?"

I look down and see I'm wearing a football jersey and some basketball shorts. "No, are you?"

"No, I've got my boxers and a t-shirt on." He points to his t-shirt. We both just sit there, staring forward, not saying a word. "Morg?" I turn to Liam and feel the awkward tension straight away. "Do you remember anything from last night?"

"The last thing I remember is leaving the party and getting into a taxi together, but I was planning on sleeping in Lilia's bed." We both go wide-eyed and say at the same time, "Lilia!"

"We're gonna have to tell her, aren't we?" I turn and ask Liam.

"Well, technically nothing happened between us, so there's nothing to tell." I nod back at him.

"Okay, your right." We sit there in silence for a few more minutes. "I'm going to go and jump in the shower," I say to Liam.

"Yeah, I have clean towels in my bathroom."

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