29~Few Hours

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A loud creak of a metal door opening woke Derek up, he opened his eyes and looked to the side to see Stiles was no longer next to him, he stood up with a squirming baby in his arms.

"You need some milk" Derek stated with his hoarse morning voice

"Where do you think I was going" Stiles' voice spoke from behind him

"What!!! No, you can't go out there what if you get attacked?" Derek exclaimed

"It's not me their after, plus he needs his food, so does everyone else" Stiles said gesturing to the others in the room

"You promise you'll come straight back?" Derek asked

"I promise, I ain't gonna be leaving you any time soon" Stiles smiled

"Just don't-" Derek started before Stiles cut him off

"Die?" Stiles finished, Derek looked at him his face showing that he didn't even wanna think of the possibility of losing Stiles "Hey, I'm sorry, I'm coming back okay, there's no way I could ever leave you behind"

"Just make it back" Derek said

"I will, I promise" Stiles smiled as he turned his back and left

Stiles was getting formula when he felt like someone was watching him, he tried to ignore it as he went to the till to pay for everything.

"Thank you" Stiles told the person at the till after she gave him his change

"Have a nice day" the lady said

"You too" Stiles replied

"That your baby your buying those for?" a voice from behind asked him, and as he turned around to see who it was a fist came in contact with his face before he could answer making him go unconscious

"Ugh" Stiles groaned as he gained consciousness

"Good to see your awake" a guys voice said, Stiles opened his eyes and saw he was in some room he tried to stand up when he felt a tight pull on his wrist pulling him back down, he looked and realised he was tied to a metal chair and had handcuffs keeping his hands together behind him, he tried pulling against them again in an attempt to get them off "There's no point in trying" the guy from before said

"Why what are you gonna do?" Stiles asked

"Me, nothing, I don't think you've noticed but I'm in the exact same position as you" as the guy said that Stiles actually looked towards the voice to see he was not lying, he was also handcuffed to a metal chair

"Issac??" Stiles said as he got a better look at the boy beside him

"The one and only" Issac said

"What's going on that's gotten you stuck in this mess?"

"Funny, I was about to ask you the same question. But to answer your question they found out something about me and from what I've gathered wanna use me to get answers out of you apparently, now do you mind on telling me what the hell you've done" Issac asked him

"Well I think it might be cause I know Derek and his family" Stiles guessed, before Issac got to say anything else a few people came in

"Oh goody your awake" a girl squealed

"Thank god I was getting a little bored not getting to do anything" a man said coming in behind her

"Do you mind telling us what you want us for so we can get it over with" Stiles asked

"You're gonna wish you didn't ask for that" the boy said

20 minutes later
"Aggggghhhhh" Issac screamed his fangs and claws baring along with his golden eyes sparkling, this was a shock to Stiles the first time he saw it but now he wasn't phased by it "Why. Did. You. Tell. Them. To. Go. Ahead" Issac growled gritting his teeth at Stiles trying to block out the pain

"Look you've put him through enough okay just stop hurting him" Stiles begged from them to stop electrocuting Issac

"We will once you tell us where the Hale family is" the girl that they still have yet to learn the name of said

"And I said I don't know" Stiles lied

"I don't think you understand, we ain't your normal supernatural creatures Stiles, we're from hell and we-"

"Cause destruction and chaos to everything and everyone around you, I know you've not only said it like a billion times" Stiles said cutting off the girl from finishing her sentence, she went to turn the dial on the machine to electrocute Issac again before Stiles spoke up "Okay, Okay, just let me speak for a second", the girl nodded her head as a go ahead so Stiles began "Why do you even wanna kill them, I know Talia messed with some dark shit, and all that yada, yada, but killing kids who had nothing to do with it is taking it a bit to far right?"

"You're right" the man spoke

"I don't need to be a demon to know you're lying" Stiles said not falling for what she was gonna say "So are you gonna tell me why you wanna kill Talia's kids?"

"We just have our orders and we do it" the guy said "so your gonna tell us where they are so we can kill them"

"Yeah how about no" Stiles answered him back

"How about I stab you with this knife" the man said coming towards Stiles with a knife

"Brax Stop it" the girl said making Brax is what she called him back off "Go take a breather", he huffed and stormed off slamming the door on his way out

"What a drama queen" Issac said

"You're telling me, I've had to deal with him for what feels like years, next time you call me asking for a favour remind me to say no" she whispered as she came over to Stiles with a key to the handcuffs

"What are you doing?" Issac said as Stiles stood up rubbing his wrist where the handcuffs had been tight

"Thanks Malia" Stiles said as she began to unlock Issac's handcuffs

"Wait you know this demon?" Issac asked

"I'm not a demon thank you very much, I'm a Were-Coyote who should not be explaining herself to you" Malia said

"Okay thanks" Issac told her standing up "How do we know we can trust her, for all we know they could have turned her against you in the time she was with them" he said more to Stiles than Malia

"Look Issac" she said his name with disgust "I say we got a few seconds before he comes back in so if you can either come with us or stay here with him, for all means stay" Malia said as she opened the door quietly

"How are we getting out?" Stiles asked walking behind her

"There's an exit this way, then if we're going to Beacon Hills it's a few hours of a drive" Malia said

"How much hours?" Stiles asked

"Umm.....like 36 hours" Malia said scratching her head awkwardly

"I've been here for almost two days?" Stiles exclaimed

"Well technically you were unconscious for quite some time so it was it was a little closer to 4 days" Malia said

"Oh god" Stiles said as they turned a corner
Published~November 28, 2018

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