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"I'm gonna go check if he's okay" Stiles told his family getting up off the couch from where they were watching a movie for over two hours, he made his way up the stairs and softly knocked on Derek's bedroom door once he got there.

"Come in" he heard Derek say, he slowly opened the door and saw Derek laying on his bed above the covers "Hey" Derek said trying to give a small smile

"Hi" Stiles said closing the door behind him "Scooch over" he said pushing Derek to the other side of the bed causing Derek to give a proper smile "Now there's the real Derek Hale smile, you should do it more often looks good on you" he sat down beside him on the bed "How are you doing?" Derek just shrugged his shoulders, Stiles could tell Derek was slightly upset and he had a look on his face Stiles couldn't exactly figure out "I'm sorry" is all he said

"About what?" Derek asked looking up at him

"I don't know, everything your going through, I couldn't begin to imagine how your feeling at the moment" Stiles said "But if you ever wanna let just let it out I'm here for you, even if you just want to talk to me, I'm gonna be there"

"Why? I mean you hardly know me" Derek said

"I know enough" Stiles said "I know you love your siblings more than anything, and you put them before anyone else, your a great big brother to them, you take care of them, your always there for them, I don't think they could ask for a better big brother" Derek looked like he was gonna cry

"I'm scared" he admitted to Stiles

"About what?"

"That I'm not gonna be enough, my dad's dead, my mum's in a coma, I'm all they have left, what if mum doesn't wake up what am I supposed to do then, I can't take care of them on my own"

"Hey, we're here for all of you" Stiles said

"For how long?" Derek said "I can't expect your family to let us stay here forever, I want them to have a normal childhood, not like the one I had, and what am I supposed to do after I finish school, I don't have any money to go to college, and I couldn't leave Thomas and Cora here by themselves, them having a great childhood all rest on my shoulders, and I'm scared that I'm not gonna be good enough for them" Derek let a few tears be free and they made their way down his face

"Everything's gonna be okay, that's what you always say right, now I need you to believe in that" Stiles told him, Derek nodded his head "I need you to say that everything's gonna be okay"

"Everything's gonna be okay" Derek repeated this about six times and every time he said it he started believing in it, Derek took some deep breaths and wiped all his tears away "Thank you" Stiles just smiled

"Hey I got something for you, I thought maybe you'd want it" Stiles sat up and reached into a bag that was beside the bed, Derek sat up when he saw Stiles with something in his hands "I found this whilst we were in the house" he said holding it out for Derek, he took it out of Stiles' hands and stared at it and smiled

"I remember this day" he said tracing the photo with his finger

"You look happy" Stiles smiled

"We we're. It was our mum's birthday so we took her out to this clearing we found the day before" Derek said

"Who's that?" Stiles asked pointing to the boy on the bottom of the pile, Derek smiled remembering back to old times

"That was our brother; Jacob" he frowned "He'd be eighteen"

"What happened?" Stiles asked

"It happened a year ago, Jacob had enough of how dad was treating us so we were gonna leave"

A year ago
"I've had enough, you can't do this to us anymore" Jacob yelled, it was night time and Thomas and Cora we're asleep, their father had just pushed their mother into the wall. Jacob lashed out and punched their dad in the face

"You don't get to hit me" their father yelled running forward with a knife about to cut Jacob with it but Derek got in the way and the knife cut through the skin where his collarbone was "Derek what have I said about getting in the way" their father pushed Derek to the side causing him to hit his head against the counter

"Don't you dare hit him" Jacob said kicking his father in the stomach making him fall back onto the floor, he got on top off him and took the knife away and threw it to the side and began punching and punching until their father was no longer conscious, Jacob's hands were all bloody and bruised, once he knew their father wasn't gonna wake up for a while he got up and went to Derek. "Derek go wake up Cora and Thomas, put them in the car, I'll be there with mum in a second" Derek ran up the stairs to wake up his siblings whilst Jacob went over to his mum waking her up "Come on mum, we gotta go" he picked her up off the ground

"No, the kids" she told her son

"Don't worry Derek's got them" he told his mother, he put his mother in the passenger seat and ran back into the house to see Derek coming down the stairs carrying Cora, Thomas slowly walking behind them "Quick we gotta go" he said picking up Thomas and ran to the car putting him in the back seat, Derek jamp in whilst Jacob buckled Cora in. Jacob ran around the side to the other side of the car about to get into the drivers side when he heard a gun go off

"You're not going anywhere son" Derek turned around in his seat to see his dad behind them with the gun pointed up in the air his face was all bloody and bruised

"You aren't going anywhere near them" Jacob said locking the car door and throwing the keys away

"JACOB NO" Derek yelled "OPEN THIS DOOR NOW" Jacob just looked at Derek and smiled, he gave him a smile that would say everything is gonna be okay

"I love you" he mouthed to Derek before another gunshot went off and Jacob fell to the ground

"NOOOOOOOO" Derek screamed

"I saw it all" Derek whispered tears now freely falling

"And he got away with it?" Stiles asked, he couldn't believe what he had just heard

"He was the captain of the police station, he lied, he hid all the evidence, he played the grieving father, he abused us into silence, Thomas and Cora didn't see anything they were too tired to pay attention to what was going on, they woke up when they heard me screaming" Derek told him looking back at the photo in his hands, Stiles didn't say a word he just pulled Derek close to him and held him for the rest of the night until they both ended up falling asleep.
Published~October 8, 2018

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