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"Where's Derek?" was the first thing Stiles asked that morning when he came downstairs "He wasn't in his room"

"Why were you in his room?" Scott asked from his spot on the couch playing video games

"No reason, just went to talk" he casually said "So where is he?"

"He went with mum this morning to work so he could see his mum" Scott said

"What time was that?"

"I don't know like 8:15 or something" Scott said

"So he's been gone for like two hours then" Stiles said

"Yes, who cares? Why do you care?" Scott paused his game and looked at Stiles

"I don't, I'm just asking"

"That's what you say when you ask about Lydia" Scott said under his breath and went back to his game


"I didn't say anything" Scott smiled

"Scott" Stiles stood in front of him blocking his view of the TV "What do you mean by that?"

"Did you really think I wouldn't notice the sudden loss of interest in Lydia when Derek came into your life" Scott said pausing the game once again placing the controller down

"I have not lost interest in Lydia, I had a 10 year plan of winning Lydia's heart and I have, she's finally y girlfriend I ain't throwing that away" Stiles scoffed not believing what Scott just said

"Really? And how long is that gonna last for huh?" Scott asked

"Forever, and I'll start hanging out with Lydia again when you know..." Stiles scratched the back of his head trying to think of something

"When what? You lose interest in Derek" Scott chuckled

"I don't have feelings for Derek" Stiles scoffed

"I never said you did, being interested in someone and having feelings for someone are two totally different things" Scott stated

"That doesn't change the fact that I don't have feelings for Derek"

Scott sighed "Sit down brother" Stiles did just that "What is wrong with you?" Scott slapped Stiles across the head

"What's wrong with me? What the hell's wrong with you? You're the one the one that just slapped me for no apparent reason" Stiles said rubbing the back of his head

"You have feelings for the guy, it's so obvious"

"I do not" Stiles scoffed "I have a girlfriend for god sakes"

"You don't?" Stiles shook his head "Then what's with all the not so secret glances I keep seeing you give him when he's not looking"

"I'm....experimenting" Stiles said the first thing that came to mind

"Experimenting? And might I remind you that you have a girlfriend whilst your doing all this experimenting of yours"

"Yes I know" Stiles said keeping his head low

"What the hell are you experimenting, thinking about how it'd feel to shove your-"

"HEY" Stiles yelled jumping of the couch cutting Scott off from going any further "Thomas good morning, how are you feeling this fine morning?" Stiles said walking over to Thomas and throwing his arm over Thomas' shoulder "You want something to eat? A drink maybe? Come on let me show you the fridge"

"I know where the fridge is" Thomas said as he was getting pulled into the kitchen

"I think I better show you again" Stiles said, Scott just laughed and went back to his game

10 minutes later

"Do you wanna explain to me what's going on with him?" Thomas asked Scott as he came into the living room pointing towards the kitchen "I mean he's trying to teach me how to peel a banana, I'm twelve I think I'm pretty capable of peeling a banana" he said sitting beside Scott

"He's fine" Scott laughed "I think he's trying to prove that he doesn't have feeling for someone"

"Derek" Thomas stated

"How'd you know Stiles has feeling for Derek?" Scott whisper yelled turning to look at Thomas

"WAIT, WHAT? I meant Derek just walked in through the door" he pointed towards the door and there was Derek hanging up his coat "Stiles has feelings for Derek?" Thomas whispered

"Whaaaaat? Uh no, why would you ever say that? That's stupid" Scott tried to pretend the last 15 seconds didn't happen but that obviously did not seem to work

"Scott?" Thomas just gave him this stern look, how was he doing that he was twelve

"Yes, but don't tell Derek" Scott pointed his finger at Thomas

"Hey guys" Derek said, Scott and Thomas jamp off the couch at that

"Hey, buddy" Scott said "How's life treating ya?"

"It's getting better??" Derek said slightly confused "Where's Cora?"

"She's waiting for you upstairs to play princess tea party, good luck, bye now" Thomas said "Thank god he's gone" he said once they were out of hearing distance from Derek

"Thomas!! Why'd you walk away?" Stiles asked coming into the room

"Oh I don't know, why'd you not tell me you have feelings for my brother?" Thomas asked, Stiles didn't say anything other than draw daggers at Scott with his eyes

"What?!" Scott exclaimed

"You told him" Stiles said

"Told him what?" Scott asked

"You very well know what I mean" Stiles said

"It's not my fault, he might be young but he sure can drill information out of you" Scott told him

"So you just decide to tell him how I feel about Derek" Stiles said

"So you admit you do have feelings for Derek" Thomas said

"What? No" Stiles said

"You see what I mean, he catches you out without you realising" Scott exclaimed jabbing his finger at Thomas

"Look can you just promise me that you won't tell Derek" they both nodded "At least until I've figured out what I'm feeling" Stiles said

"We got you bro" Scott said "Now if you don't mind I got a game to get back to" he plopped himself back down on the couch and went back to his game
Published~October 15, 2018

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