12~Last Name

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The same morning

"I'll see you later okay" Melissa told Derek heading in the other direction after dropping him off at the hospital

"Sure, see ya" Derek said heading in the direction he knew all too well "Guess who's back" Derek said entering his mothers hospital room, when he turned back around after shutting the door he saw someone was sitting in the chair beside the bed "Aunt Jenny?" Derek asked

"Oh honey, it's so good to see you" she said engulfing Derek in a hug "Why on earth didn't you call, I was worried"

"I'm sorry it totally crossed my mind" he said

"It's okay it's just to get a phone call at 1am saying that my sister's in the hospital along with my nephew is quite scary, and to top it off when I get here your nowhere in sight, and I didn't know what to do" she said placing her hand on his cheek "I'm so glad your okay" she said engulfing him in yet another hug

"I'm fine" Derek laughed

"How's Thomas and Cora? Are they okay?" She asked getting worried agin

"They're fine, we're fine" Derek reassured her "Except for you know" Derek frowned looking at his mum

"The doctors aren't saying much are they" Jenny said walking back over to her sister

"Not really" Derek said sitting down in the other chair "She's gonna be alright"

"Of course she is, she is a Hale after all" she smiled

"I am so glad mum didn't take Michael's last name, glad she didn't give it to us either" Derek chuckled

"Yeah, Derek Henderson doesn't have the same ring to it as Derek Hale" she said "How's the baby?"

"He's not doing so well I don't think, their not telling me much about him either, Melissa has been trying to get some information but she ain't in that ward so..." Derek said

"Have you seen him?" she asked

"Just through the glass window, they won't let me through to the incubator room cause I'm not his legal guardian" Derek said frustrated "I just wanna hold him you know"

"So how are you feeling?"

"I'm doing better, pretty much all healed up almost" Derek said

"I didn't ask how your doing physically, I'm asking how your doing emotionally with all this" Jenny asked

"Mmhh" Derek shrugged his shoulders "I guess I'm doing fine, I'm mostly trying to keep it together for T and Cora"

"I understand, that's what I was doing around Talia when we were younger when things were bad, but you gotta understand that keeping all your feeling locked up inside of you is not good for you honey. You gotta let it all out, and I am here for you, so whatever your feeling just let it all out" Derek stayed silent for a few seconds before relying to what she said

"I'm terrified" he answered honestly

"Of what?"

"I don't know, I just have this feeling that everything isn't over, I mean I was able to protect T and Cora this time but what about next time"

"There will never be a next time you hear me, it's over, you have nothing to worry about" she said taking Derek's hand over the bed

"How are you so sure?" Derek asked

"Because I've been talking to your mother about it" she said

"Are you still doing that thing when you talk to someone and you imagine they're talking back to you" Derek laughed

"Hey, don't be making fun of me Derek Steven Hale I know you still do it too"

"What do you talk to her about?" Derek asked "Other than how amazing I am of course"

"Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that" they both chuckled "I don't really know it's kinda all random, it's wherever the conversation leads to in all honesty, it's always been like that, so how about you?"

"Same I guess" Derek said giving his best attempt to hide the smile he had cause it was one of those smiles that were not so often shown

"Uh, uh, no, don't you turn your head away from me Derek, everyone who know's you know's that smile, so what's her name?" Jenny smiled

"There is no girl"

"Ha,ha very funny now stop lying I wanna know" Jenny begged

"I'm not lying" Derek said "Technically" he whispered under his breath still smiling

"What do you mean not technically sweetie?"

"Well I obviously need to work on my whispering" Derek laughed nervously

"You know you can tell me anything right honey"

"I know" Derek said nodding his head

"I just want you to know when your ready I'm here, always" she told him


"There's no need to thank me, we're family" she smiled "Hey I need to spend some more time with you. Thomas and Cora too, how about I drop you off at wherever your staying and I'll go to my hotel to change and I'll pick you up at around 12:00"

"Sure, sounds great" Derek smiled "Can I just talk with mum for a second?"

"Sure honey, I'll wait outside, take your time" she said exiting the room

"Hi mum"

"My beautiful boy" his mother said placing her hand on his cheek, Derek held it there placing his hand over her's

"I miss you so much" Derek said a tear escaping his eye

"I miss you too baby"

"Are you hurting mum?" Derek asked

"No baby" she answered simply, and Derek let out another tear cause he knew that was a lie, he knew his mother was in pain she just wasn't showing it

"I hate seeing you like this, at least that scumbag got what he deserves right?"

"Derek Hale! Language! Please" she said

"Sorry" Derek chucked "I love you, you know that right, and I am not giving up hope, your going to be fine" Derek said squeezing his mothers hand that was still on his cheek

"And I love you, all four of my beautiful babies"

"Five" Derek whispered as coldness hit his cheek, all the warmth was taken away, and when he looked down his mother was still there. But this time with a tube down her throat yet again, and all her injuries still clear as day.

"Hey, you ready to go?" Jenny asked in a soothing voice popping her head into the room

"Yeah, lets go" Derek stood up and walked along side Jenny to her car
Published~October 17, 2018

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