Chapter Thirty-Four

Start from the beginning

   A soft groan had his eyes flying open.

   There before him, his wonderful mate's eyes were open.

   For the first-time months, he saw her beautiful blue eyes.

   Emerson stood up so fast, the chair slammed against the wall and left a dent in it. but he didn't care. All the mattered was the fact that Madeline was awake.

   She was awake.

   He rushed to her bedside, afraid to touch her. he just looked down at her, his eyes swelling with tears.

   Madeline shot up. "The baby! Is the baby okay?! He...he..."

   He put his hands on her shoulders, gently pushing her down so she was laying down. "Shh, the baby is fine. The baby is healthy."

   He put his hand on her cheek gently.


   "I promise. Our baby is fine. He didn't touch our baby."

   Madeline nodded and relaxed slightly. "What about the Pack? Are they okay? The children. What about them?"

   "The Pack is fine, mourning our losses, but otherwise fine."

   She tried to hold onto him but winced as her arm pulled at the IV needle. He tucked her arms back by her sides. "Don't do anything to hurt yourself further. Just, stay here, I'll go get the doctor."

   Emerson hurried away before she could say anything. He fidgeted with his hands as he made his way to the receptionist.

   "Madeline, she's awake."

   With that, she called a doctor who turned and swiftly walked to the Luna's room, Emerson behind her.

   His hands were shaking. He was nervous. How would she react? Would she hate him? He most definitely deserved her hatred. But what if she didn't? What if she still wanted him? Wanted him to be apart of her and the baby's life? He didn't deserve that. He didn't deserve to be apart of their life after all he put them through.

   He stayed by the door as the doctor tended to his mate. He watched quietly, growling menacingly whenever she winced in pain. But every time Madeline tried to make eye contact with him, he looked away.


   Days passed, and Madeline was finally out of the infirmary. Emerson had been silent but tentative. Anytime she needed something or needed help, he was there, but he barely spoke to her and he never looked at her. He was trying to put off the inevitable for as long as he could.

   The day that she was released, he was fidgety, more so than before. He couldn't stop tapping his foot or fiddling with his fingers. He had never been so nervous in his life.

   Emerson carried his mate up the flights of stairs to the Alpha Wing. He ignored her protests. He just clutched her tighter, hoping she would understand why he had to do it. After the third time, she stopped. He could feel her eyes on him but he didn't turn his head to meet her gaze. Instead, he looked straight ahead.

   He opened the door to their wing and stepped inside. Everything was the same from the last time he was there. Everything, except for the fact that he had less wine bottles. Casey, that wolf sure knew how to drink. If she wasn't his mate's best friends, he would have punished her by making her spend a week in training. That would've taught her not to drink his wine. But alas, she was best friends with Madeline, therefore he couldn't touch her.

   Madeline's parents were there. They had informed both of them that they would be spending the day in the town. Sebastian had already come and gone. He had a Pack to run and he didn't want to stay away from his mate and pup too long.

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