[25] victor speaks

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*still kellin pov*

Vic was too easy, he seems to want me to be a vampire, oli wants me to, Oliver convinced me and now I'm hooked on the thought, yet it seemed to easy of a choice for vic, like he's been waiting, he seemed surprised when I asked.

"So kellin"

"shut up" I say harshly to mike and he just shrugs it off

"don't tell me to deal with shit you don't know about" I add

"I'm sorry" I look away

"you should be" I mutter

"I'm just upset, I don't want to lose a friend!" he says and a feeling of guilt hits me.

--- *VIC POV*----
I pick up my bag so I can leave, everyone has been giving me weird looks this whole time. I didn't kill oli,i simply put him in the hospital, it's all good, we aren't friends but at least he isn't mad at me. why can't people let things go? I start walking when jack and Alex rush in front of me.

"you guys failed me, move along" I say rolling my eyes at the pair.

"well sorry but I mean it would've been better if kellin was there but I mean I think we did a good job" jack says and I just shake my head

"think what you want,kellin would've gotten upset at me if he was there"

"not really, Vic you have that boy wrapped around your finger" alex says

"you could send him to hell and make him find his way back,anywhere, and out of all the places he could go, he would find his way back to you,no matter what you did to him,he will always come back" jack says and alex nods his head to agree.

"That's not true" I start walking past them but they just start following me.

"it is true vic" Alex says and I shrug

"you know it is" jack says

"no, you know what?! it isnt! Kellin was about to take his own fucken life! he wouldn't let me take the bottle of pills from him! if he died there's no way he would come to find me! I'm having my brother watch him right now so I know he won't leave!" I yell at them trying so hard not to start crying or show any sign of weakness to them. so I turn back around and start walking. I rush into my house and close the door, dropping my bag so I can lock the door.

"Vic??" mike asks

"ya!" I yell back

"we need to have a word" he says calmly so calmly I could barely hear him from where I'm standing, I walk into his room to find him and kellin just sitting on the floor, mike turns around and now they are both staring at me, I can almost feel their eyes seeing right threw me. I make my way over and sit on mike's bed. their eyes still following me

"okay guys I know I'm attractive but what is this word you guys need to have with me?" I ask braking the silence.

"you want kellin to be a vampire" mike states

"I never said that, I'm just on kellin's side with his choice"

"but it was to easy, I was expecting a fight with you, it's like you were relieved with my choice" kellin says

"I would love you either way,kellin I fell in love with you as you are, if you were a vampire I would love you the same,it really doesn't matter to me" I say softly and still no emotion in any of their faces.

"theres more" kellin says

"more to what?"

"more to why you are so okay with this"

"with what?"

"don't act dumb with me fuentes" I sigh in defeat

"okay me and Oliver would think its a good idea because then you won't be scared and you could hang out with us all the time" it isn't fully a lie. I mean I just didn't tell him the main reason,about how in moments where I can't save him being a vampire would.

"okay, well then ah.." kellin pauses and there is a silence.. "I'll be a vampire" he adds breaking the silence, I'm not surprised he said yes, yet mike seems to want to kill someone, not my boyfriend, anyone but my boyfriend Michael.

"so when is this happening?" kellin asks

"when you least expect it"

"does that mean today?" kellin asks

"yes" i say and a smile creeps onto kellins face, how the hell am I going to do this to my boyfriend, I have to bite him and suck some of his blood, then I need to poke a needle in his skin, I cant do this to him, but looks like now it's too late, this is going to hurt him like a bitch.

        I watch as kellin sleeps,it took him a while to sleep because he doesnt know how im going to do this or even when, i told him today and i dont want him to think im a liar when i wake up.

"victor" my dad says softly as he knocks on the door and i look at him

"you cant do this"

"why not?"

"hes going to regret this"

"mom never did"

"what ever you do, dont make him a horrible vampire,okay? i dont need a bloodsucking monster running around this place,it was bad the first time"

"well hey,i didnt change her dont blame me"

"well whoever changed your mom's side of the family was stupid" i nod and then he leaves,closing the door genitally behind him. it was a bad idea for mike to change Nancy into a vampire, she went crazy on the first day, well she is better now, shes not on a killing rampage anymore,i just really hope kellin isnt the same, i dont want him to turn evil like that. i would never forgive myself.

        "im sorry" i whisper before putting my fangs into kellins neck. i take the needle from my pocket and put it right under where my fangs are. i feel kellin flinch, shit hes waking up. his eyes go wide and i finish up what im doing, kellin screams almost scaring me,but i was expecting this,i get off of him and take the needle out and give him a look of sympathy and i shrug. kellin screams in more pain. why did i agree with oli on this one. i sit next to him and run my hands threw his hair

"shh,it'll be okay,shhh kellin,try to sleep on this" i say softly in his ear, he tenses less trying to fight the pain. please fall asleep,kellin, fucken sleep. i hate seeing him like this,and knowing its all my fault makes it even worse, noone in my house bothers to come in and check on kellin because i guess they know whats going on,they might've just expected it anyways,after all,i am vic, i dont believe what they say about me,but apparently im vic,the blood thirsty vampire,ha not true. they just cant get over the fact i had human blood a few times.i doubt pa told ma,but she might've been expecting this sooner or later. i watch kellin as his skin changes paler than before, and how the marks on his neck are slowly fading into nothingness almost like they were never there and nothing happened,hes adjusting perfectly. my cute little vampire boyfriend. he really doesnt know what he got himself into. what if his teeth look better than mine, what if he turns into a better vampire then me, what if he leaves me for oliver now that he isnt fully scared? what if he is still scared? what would i do then? what if every word we've said just goes away, and hes a fully new changed person. what have i done.

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