20. Manik's Anger

Start from the beginning

They all looked at him and then at each other. Cabir kept his hand on his shoulder and opened his mouth to say something but before he could, Manik slide his hand from his shoulder.

Manik: Cabir, Please. I want to be alone for sometime.

Understanding his situation, they walked away while Manik went to his room.

He sat down on the floor near the bed and went into deep thoughts.

He couldn't understand how come Nandini was so strong. She was accused of her own bestfriend's murder. He couldn't even imagine being in such a situation while she had lived it.

She had been hiding her pain from the last two years. There must be so much in her heart and she literally had no one to speak to. The fact alone was enough to crumble his heart. He wanted to be there for her. A sudden urge to see her crept in his heart.

She might be at home. If not talk to her, he could atleast see her from far, right?

Thinking so, he walked to Nandini's room and found her sitting on the bed with a file. He saw her going stiff for a second before she looked in his direction as if sensing someone's presence. He immediately hid behind the window and sighed.

Knowing she would become more angry if she saw him there, he walked back to his room where the others were already waiting for him.

Aliya: Manik, Where were you?

Cabir: Yes, we were waiting for you in Aliya's room.

Manik: I was just here. Leave it.

He dismissed the topic making them nod their head.

As they sat down, Abhi finally muttered some courage and looked at Manik.

Abhi: Manik, I don't know how you will react listening to the whole past but always remember, Black Shinners love Nandini. They loved her, they love her and they will always love her no matter what. Yes, they-

Manik: I know, Abhi.

Manik's voice was anything but understanding. It dripped with sarcasm. He wanted to chuckle loudly hearing Abhi.

Abhi: Manik, I know you are upset with us but-

Abhi started was but was again cut off by Manik in between.

Manik: Abhi, I am not upset. I am angry at you people. You people don't deserve Nandini's friendship.

He ended up taunting him in frustration. Believing the same, Abhi let out a sigh and nodded.

Abhi: You are right.

Mukti: Abhi, what happened after Soha's death?

Mukti diverted the topic seeing Abhi's falling face. He looked down and started narrating everything to them.

Soha's death was a big turning point for all of them. They all were crying in the hospital when Harshad looked at Nandini and held her hand.

Harshad: Where did you call her, Nandu? What happened with you both?

Nandini: B-Bhai- I-

She stammered as they all looked at her.

Sid: Tell us, Nandu. What happened with you both?

Aryaman: Who failed your car's breaks?

Before Nandini could reply them, her mobile rang catching all of their attention while Nandini looked surprised. She didn't even know she had her phone with her anymore.

Journey Of Emotions | MaNan (under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now