The Reunion

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Lydia came bursting into the McCall home and yelled "Where is she!"

Allison came walking down the stairs. Lydia ran up to her hugging as she squealed, jumping up and down. Stiles was standing in the doorway watching these two best friends reunite, smiling at them. He walked into the living room to see Scott sitting on the couch with Malia in his arms, her head on his chest and her leg stretched out on the couch, Malia fast asleep and Scott almost sleep. Stiles walked over by Scott and tapped his arm, Scott jumped without waking Malia looking around with his eyes glowing red.

"Scott calm down," Stiles said and Scott's eyes went back to brown, he laid his head back on the couch.

"We need to talk alone later" Stiles whisper

Scott nodded his head while stroking Malia's hair and replied "okay"

"Also the rest of the pack is in their way." Stiles told Scott who was already asleep.

"Scott the rest of the pack is on their way." Stiles told him again tapping his shoulder

"Why?" Scott mumbled

"Well Allison of course, coming back from the dead" Stiles said like it was the most obvious thing

Lydia and Allison walked into the room

"So where is everyone else?" Allison asked

"Kira is with skinwalkers, Issac moved, Cora Derek and Peter left, Aiden died, Jackson and Ethan are in London and Danny left" Stiles replied

"Liam, Mason and Corey are coming," Lydia said Allison looked at her confused

"Pack members" She explained

"Maybe we should do this tomorrow" Allison suggested

"Why" Stiles inquired

"Well Melissa is going to sleep, Scott is sleep and so isn't the coyote" Allison explained

"Fine and her name is Malia." Stiles said as he pulled his phone out to text the pack and Allison nodded

Within a few second they all replied to Stiles' text

"There we will do it tomorrow. Are you going home, Allison?" Stiles questioned

"Yeah I'm waiting for my dad, He is saying bye the Melissa" Allison said

Argent walked down the stairs and motion for Allison to come on and they walked out the door, Lydia walked outside with Allison.

Stiles walked over to Scott and told him "Hey Scott everyone is gone"

Scott sat up, looked around, and then nodded

"You might want to go lay in your bed" Stiles laughed and left the house.

Scott moved Malia over stood up then picked Her up bridal style and carried her upstairs and laid her in his bed. He grabbed some shorts, went into the bathroom and changed. He laid in the bed with Malia and she moved close to him, so she was laying on his chest and he tapped Malia so she was half-awake.

"What?" Malia asked groggily

Scott smiled at her and said "Are you going to tell me what was wrong with you"

"I love you" Malia whispered and hugged Scott tighter

Scott smiled "I love you too." Scott said and then laid in the silence as Malia fall back asleep listening to her heartbeat

Meanwhile back at the Argents'

"Dad, she isn't just letting me go. She brought me back for a reason" Allison whispered to her dad

"We will not let anything happen to you" he replied

"Dad what could she want from me" Allison questioned

"Maybe she just wanted to throw us off by bringing you back" Argent suggest

"That can be the only reason." Allison said

"Just go get some rest" Argent replied

"But Dad what if she has some kind of control of me? I've never heard of someone being turned without an alpha, Have you?" Allison questioned

"Just get some rest and we will deal with this tomorrow and we will make sure Kate has no control over you. I will protect you no matter what" Argent assures her

Allison walked into her room, which was exactly like she left it. She could tell no one has been in here, she ran her hand on her bed. She found some of her pajamas and changed into them and laid down on her bed

"I want back with is mine." she thought to herself "She can't have him, he's mine"

At Lydia's house

"Oh my god! can you believe it" Lydia squealed again

"Why did Kate bring her back?" Stiles thought out loud

"Who cares! I got my best friend back" Lydia said smiling

"Kate didn't just bring her back without having a plan." Stiles thought and pulled his phone out to text Scott

"What are you doing?" Lydia asked curiously

"Texting Scott" Stiles answered

"You know he is probably asleep." said Lydia

"Yeah I know," Stiles said while texting Scott 'We need to meet alone'

'Fine meet me at 9 at the Animal Clinic' Scott replied

'Okay don't be late and don't bring Malia' Stiles texted

'Yeah I got that when you said alone' Scott replied

"Stiles" Lydia said snapping her fingers in front of Stiles' face

"Yes Honey" Stiles smiled, putting his phone down and turning his attention to his girlfriend

"When do you have to leave again?" Lydia wondered

"I have a few days off" Stiles answered "How about we don't worry about how long I am here and we focus on what we do while I am here"

Stiles moved over and started kissing on Lydia's neck

"I like the way you think but we are still gonna have this conversation" Lydia breathed out as he continued to kiss and suck on her neck

"We can have any conversation you want" Stiles smirked as he crawled on top of her


Stiles and Lydia are laying in the bed, Lydia has her head on Stiles's chest as she is tracing shapes on his chest.

"When do you have to go back?" Lydia asked as she sat up to look at him

"In a week" Stiles answered and Lydia looked upset

"I'm gonna try to get transferred somewhere closer but Lyds I request Boston because you was in school then and it might be hard to get a transfer again but I'm gonna try" He promised her

"You don't need to do that but it's just harder not seeing you as much as I did when I lived in Boston" Lydia stated

"I wish you could come back" Stiles sighed

"Me too but I can't." Lydia said

"I know your mom and the pack needs you but I just want you all to myself" Stiles kissed her cheek, making her blush

"I love you Stiles" Lydia smiled

"I love you too" He replied

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